Due to the
strike by the money transporter Brink’s-Nederland, more and more teller
machines are empty of cash. At present,
670 machines of the big Rabobank no longer hold any cash. That means that about 30% of the machines are
thus useless.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Zeeland: Jewish Community Shocked by Destruction of Graves
Monday, December 29, 2014
Haarlem: New Synagogue Not Recognizable for Security Reasons
The new
synagogue of the Jewish community in Haarlem has been inaugurated. It is located in the suburb of Heemstede. It
is not recognizable in any way as a synagogue from the outside for security reasons.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Ten Thousand Complaints about Fireworks, and Counting
The number
of complaints about the danger of fireworks is rapidly increasing. A mere three days after the opening of the complaint
call center, 10,000 complaints have already been received. The call center is the initiative of 25 local
branches of the Green-Left party.
According to the center, more and more people are disturbed by the hard
explosions, the precipitous use of fireworks, and the unsafe situation in the
street. A spokesman of Green-Left in
Rotterdam, Arne Bonte, said, “One sees that people are blowing up intentionally
waste-paper baskets, chairs, and even cars.”
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Police Union: No Manpower to Control Hooligans on New Year’s Eve

Friday, December 26, 2014
Over 2000 Complaints about Fireworks
On Wednesday the site for complaints
about hindrance from firework was opened. By Thursday morning the number of
complaints stood at 2200. Most complaints are about very heavy fireworks. The
total number will presented to Parliament.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Leading Dutch Criminal Murdered in Istanbul
Ali Akgun, one of the main suspects
in a series of murders in Amsterdam, has been killed in Istanbul. He was waiting in his Bentley car at a red
light and was shot from nearby with automatic weapons. Akgun had been involved in the drug
trade. In his youth, he was the captain
of the Turkish football club Turkiyemspor, a leading football club in
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Another Daily Eliminates Articles of Suspected Journalist
The AD Daily has also eliminated
from its archives all articles written by the journalist Perdiep Ramesar. These include articles Ramesar wrote over
years, up until 2007, for the Haagche Courant, and later for AD. The editor-in-chief of AD said that since neither
the journalist nor his supervisors are employed by AD, research into the matter
would be superfluous, as they would not suffer any consequences. Earlier, the daily Trouw had fired
Ramesar for apparently inventing parts of interviews with fictitious people.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
More than 5 billion Euro lost due to Internet Fraud

Monday, December 22, 2014
Trouw daily deletes 126 articles of untrustworthy journalist

Sunday, December 21, 2014
Poll: Government Parties Lose most Seats
In a poll taken by pollster Maurice
de Hond the two government parties are found to be extremely unpopular. The liberal
VVD of Prime Minister Mark Rutte which holds 41 seats would get, according to
the poll 18 seats, if elections were held now. The other government party, Labor (PvdA) which holds 38 seats
would go down to 10 seats. Together the government parties with 28 seats would
get less seats than the Progress party (PVV) led by Geert Wilders which according
to the poll would get 30 seats as against 15 seats in the current parliament.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Intelligence Service listened in to Law Office

Friday, December 19, 2014
Head of Intelligence Service: Jihadis are as Dutch as Wooden Shoes
Rob Bertholee, the head of the Dutch
General Intelligence service AIVD has said at a congress in the United Sates
that most of the Dutch jihadis who travel to Syria or Iraq are as Dutch as wooden
shoes and windmills. Nevertheless they radicalize. Bertholee remarked that the
jihadis come out of all layers of Dutch society, including very good families.
Some have a university degree. There was even a medical doctor among them. He
added that there are also criminal elements among them. Bertholee observed: “once seven jihadis from one town left
simultaneously and the crime figures thereupon decreased. Bertholee also
mentioned culture conflicts, saying: “many are not accepted in Dutch society as
Dutch nor among Dutch Moroccans as Moroccans.”
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Number of Homeless in the Netherlands Is Increasing

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Most Dutch Cannabis Is Exported
A study done
by the Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC) has found that 95%
of cannabis grown in the Netherlands is exported. Even if cannabis becomes
legal within the Netherlands, the issue of the criminality involved will not be
solved. These findings are a big
disappointment for those who want to legalize the growing of cannabis because
their argument, that with legalization the criminality ends, has been found
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Dutch Nato Headquarters Possible Target of Muslim Terrorists

Monday, December 15, 2014
Parliamentary Opposition Attacks Lack of Information on Tax Deals
opposition parties say that the Minister of Finance refuses to give parliament
an insight on deals the Tax Authority makes with international companies, such
as Starbuck’s and Google. This prevents
parliament from properly functioning and controlling the Ministry of
Finance. It also creates lack of
confidence in the fiscal authorities and what they promise individual companies
in exchange for having them establish a commercial base in the Netherlands.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Amsterdam Killings Make Criminals Flee the Country
A number of
leading criminals have left Amsterdam for abroad in order to avoid the murders occurring
in Amsterdam. This was said by Chief
Police Commissioner Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg in an AT5 program. He added that there is a very large territory
outside the Netherlands where criminals can go into hiding. The program in which the Chief Police Commissioner
spoke dealt with the current wave in Amsterdam of murders of criminals by other
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Dutch Cardinal remained silent about pedophilia of assistant-bishop
- In his just-published biography by journalist Ton Crijnen the Dutch cardinal Ad Simonis admits that he knew since 2000 that there were accusations of pedophilia against the assistant bishop of Utrecht Jan Nienhaus, who passed away later that year. Only in 2014 it became known that the Catholic Church had found in 2012 that Nienhaus was guilty of four cases of pedophilia. In 2011 it became known that Simonis had already in 1991 protected another pedophile priest.
- www.trouw.nl/tr/nl/13912/Rooms-katholicisme/article/detail/3810086/2014/12/13/Kardinaal-Simonis-wist-al-veel-eerder-van-misbruik.dhtml

Thursday, December 11, 2014
Many Tensions in Dutch Society

The Social
and Cultural Planning Bureau has polled 3,000 Dutchmen. 60% of those polled see tensions between
Autochtonuos (native) Dutchmen and those of immigrant origins. Many see
tensions between religious groups, between the poor and the rich, and between workers
and employers. Two-thirds of the Dutch
think that the Netherlands is moving in the wrong direction. Of these people, 85% blame the country’s
elite, politicians, managers and the economically powerful. These elite are
seen as serving their own interests and are perceived as not having any contact
with the ordinary citizens nor with their concerns.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Billions Lost in International Development Aid?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Family Members of Plane Victims Accuse Netherlands

Monday, December 8, 2014
New Record of Suicides in the Netherlands

Sunday, December 7, 2014
State Taken to Court about Preservation of Data
The massive data
collection regarding the internet, email and telephone behavior of all Dutch
citizens has to be stopped immediately.
That is the demand of a court case brought by the Dutch Association of
Criminal Lawyers, The Journalists’ Trade Union (NVJ) and the Privacy First
Foundation. Earlier this year, the
European Court of Justice decided that the recording of phone and internet data
was a heavy attack on privacy. It
remains unclear to what extent this collection of data was necessary for the
fight against terrorism and criminality. Since 2009, all telecom companies are
required to maintain, during one year, data on who called whom and when, and
from what location. Internet providers
have to be able to tell, during half a year, who emailed whom and when, and when
somebody logged in or out of the internet.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Brussels Admonishes the Netherlands Regarding Healthcare

Thursday, December 4, 2014
Psychological Problems Cost Society 20 Billion Euro Annually
A study conducted
by the OESO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, found
that psychological problems cost Dutch society 20 billion Euro annually. This
includes the costs of caretaking, sick leave, loss of production, and the
incapacity to work. The study also showed
that two-thirds of the Dutchmen with psychological illness or complaints do go
to work. Compared to other countries,
the overall situation in the Netherlands is bad.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Minister of Transport Lied About High Speed Train Line
A new book
by Marcel van Silfhout and Andries van den Berg, titled Die Ontsporing, claims
that the then-Minister of Transport, Tineke Netelenbos, lied when she said that
the high speed line had to be put out to a public contract according to
European rules. When the bid proposal
was put out, the Dutch railways (NS) were afraid to lose the contract and put
in a far too high bid of 178 million Euro per year. The result was that they then
had to buy cheap trains from AnsaldoBreda.
The Fyra trains that were supplied had too many problems and ultimately
were returned to the manufacturers.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Majority of Dutchmen Think That Integration Has Failed
A poll done
by Maurice de Hond among 2,500 interviewees shows that 56% believe that the
integration of immigrants, which have come to the Netherlands after the war,
has failed. Only 14% consider that the
integration has been a success. These
are mainly voters of the Liberal Democrats of D66 or of the Labor party. Among those who believe that integration has
failed, 82% hold the Labor party responsible, and 46% consider that the
Liberals are also responsible.
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