The Palestinian terrorist Rasmea
Odeh, has spoken at a location on the Free University campus in
Amsterdam. She was the guest of an
extreme leftist Revolutionaire Eenheid.
This group has a location at the university which it does not pay
for. The university however tolerates it
under the condition that its programs are communicated to the university. As this was not the case this time, the
university called the police. Rasmea
Odeh has murdered two Israelis and was condemned to a jail sentence.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Police Union: Amsterdam Shooting Range unsafe

Monday, February 26, 2018
Turkish Government Paper attacks Dutch Parliamentarians
The largest Turkish newspaper Sabah, attacks five Turkish-Dutch
members of the Dutch Parliament who voted in favor of the proposal to recognize
the Armenian genocide. The paper writes that they have betrayed Turkey with
this scandalous decision. Only the two Turkish-Dutch Parliamentarians of the D.E.N.K.
party voted against. Their leader Tunahan Kuzu says that the recognition is
unacceptable and that the Dutch Turkish parliamentarians have to decide on
which side they stand.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Turkey Attacks Netherlands on Srebrenica’s Genocide
After the Dutch Lower House recognized the Turkish mass
murder of Armenians in 1915 as a genocide, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign
Affairs reacted. In a statement, the ministry
said that the Dutch decision is inappropriate as the Netherlands ‘looked the
other way’ during the genocide in Srebrenica. In 1995 Bosnian Serb forces
killed 7000 Muslims while Dutch UN peacekeepers stationed in Srebrenica failed
to protect the population. The Dutch
were accused of complicity for ignoring what happened there.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Officers’ Association: Politicians Risk Lives of Military
Ruud Vermeulen, Chairman of the Officers’ Association says
that Dutch politicians knowingly have taken irresponsible risks which have
endangered the lives of military personnel.
He said that politicians are always quick to judge others but it would
be better if they became aware and looked at their own functioning. He mentioned inter alia among others former
Labour Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bert Koenders (Labour), who neglected the
criticism of the commandos concerning the possibility of executing the mission
in Mali. Koenders remarked, “We decide what you must execute or not.” The
officers require a parliamentary inquiry into the many problems in the military.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Dutch lawyer admits lying in Trump-Russia Investigation
Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan has admitted to lying to the
team investigating possible Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential
elections. He has been charged with lying to the FBI and has pleaded guilty. Making
a false statement to investigators is considered a felony in the United States.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Police Organization: Netherlands has become a ‘Narcostate’
The Dutch police organization has interviewed more than
1.000 detectives. It has come to the conclusion that the detective service is
lacking personnel. The Netherlands has in the meantime gained the characteristics
of a narcostate. A parallel economy has developed in which criminals abuse the
good infrastructure of the country in order to enter real estate activities,
companies and holiday parks.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Thirty Asylum Seekers in Netherlands Found with Suspicious Passports
According to information originating in the Ministry of
Justice and Security, approximately 30 asylum seekers came to the Netherlands
with stolen and blank passports in 2015 and 2016. The security services are aware that terrorist
organizations like ISIS often supply such passports for people to carry out
terror attacks abroad. The However, Dutch
security services said that when these people were investigated, none of
them were identified as potential terrorists.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Eindhoven Mayor: Citizens Not Involved In Fight against Criminality
Eindhoven mayor, Jorritsma, tried last year to involve
citizens in the battle against criminality.
He now admits that this has failed.
He pointed out that one of the reasons is the increase of neighborhood ‘kings’
i.e., people who dominate neighborhoods and have the most impressive car, but don’t
have any registered income. These people
apparently are allowed to do anything and act with impunity.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Dutch Oxfam Heads knew already in 2012 about Haiti Scandal

Already in 2012 the leadership of Oxfam Novib, the Dutch branch
of Oxfam, received the report on the sexual abuse in 2010 of local women by members
of the Oxfam mission to Haiti. The Dutch branch passed the report on to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and the National Accounting Office. Oxfam Novib Director Farah
Karimi says that as this was considered a British issue no publicity was given to
the scandal.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Dutch Foreign Minister Resigns Due to Lie
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Dutch Minister admits lying about Meeting with Putin
Halbe Zijlstra (VVD, Liberals), minister of foreign affairs
has admitted that he lied when he said that he attended a meeting with Russian President
Vladimir Putin in 2006. He now says that he heard from a person who was present
in such a meeting that Putin considers Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic States as
parts of Greater Russia. He considered that this should become known and lied
about his presence to protect his source.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Donors of Oxfam Resign After Sex Scandal in Haiti
So far more than 700 donors of the Dutch Oxfam Novib have
resigned as the result of a report by the Times that employees of the
British organization have engaged in sex orgies with prostitutes during a mission
after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and 2011.
The prostitutes were possibly minors. The orgies took place in an
apartment rented by the NGO. In the
meantime, Oxfam was accused of hiring prostitutes for a mission in Tsjaad in 2006.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
After Threats, Prosecutor Goes Into Hiding
Minister of Justice and Security, Grapperhaus, says that it
is a huge scandal that a prosecutor has been threatened so severely that she
and her family have gone into hiding. Grapperhaus said that this is yet another
indication that this government has to start fighting against organized crime. The minister was unable to say whether the
threat came from the motorcycle gangs which the prosecutor was investigating.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Major Dutch Poet was a Nazi Supporter and Antisemite
Recently the literature expert Wim Hazeu has discovered that
one of the most famous post-war Dutch poets Lucebert was a volunteer worker in
the German weapons industry. He also wrote letters with an antisemitic content,
such as: “Only when all Germanic tribes are united, the Jew will no longer have
the opportunity to insight blood against similar blood.” He signed letters with
“Sieg Heil” and “Heil Hitler”. He has always denied his Nazi past and received
major Dutch literary awards.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Netherlands will Directly Rule Corrupt Caribbean Island
Raymond Knops, Deputy Minister of the Interior and Kingdom
Relations, will take over the authority of the Caribbean Island of Sint-Eustasius.
A commission has investigated the current leadership and come to the conclusion
that there is ongoing lawlessness, financial mismanagement, discrimination,
intimidation, threats, insults and abuse of power. The commission says that the Dutch government has also been guilty of neglect as the relationship between the Netherlands and Eustasius
has deteriorated. This has led to delay
in the repair of roads, the water supply, housing, underground lines, and treatment
of waste.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Parliamentarian takes Minister to Court
The parliamentarian Thierry Baudet, the leader of the Forum for Democracy (FvD) party has taken Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Kajsa Ollongren to court. Ollongren of the center left D66 party has called Baudet and his party a bigger danger for Dutch core values than PVV leader Geert Wilders. Theo Hiddema, the other parliamentarian of the FvD and Baudet’s lawyer said that Ollongren’s accusation of racism could inspire ‘Volkertjes’ to action. He referred to the left winger Volkert van der Graaf who murdered politician Pim Foruyn in 2002.
Monday, February 5, 2018
Netherlands Withdraws Ambassador from Turkey
The Dutch Foreign Office has announced that there is
currently no view concerning normalization of relations with Turkey. Since March 2017 Dutch Ambassador, Kees van
Rij, has not been allowed into Turkey.
Therefore, the Netherlands has officially withdrawn its ambassador and
it will also not allow a new ambassador from Turkey to be received. The reason for the conflict is that Turkey
wants apologies from the Netherlands for sending a Turkish minister back to
Germany. The Turkish minister wanted to campaign in favor of the Turkish
presidential referendum in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands does not intend to apologize.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
No Kosher Meat in the Netherlands
The new method of determining whether a cow is unconscious
has led to a situation where kosher meat is not available in the
Netherlands. This was announced by H.
Loonstein, the lawyer representing the only kosher butcher shop in the
Netherlands. According to the experts of
Wageningen University, Loonstein says, the method used by the Dutch authorities
concerning the eye reflexes in cows is unsuitable in 85% of the cases as an
indicator of unconsciousness. Loonstein
says that the Dutch Food and Commodities Authority is using an erroneous method.
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