Thursday, August 29, 2013
Thirty-Six Hospitals do not meet ‘Minimum Operations’ Requirement
Thirty-six hospitals in the Netherlands have not met the minimum requirements for the number of operations they carried out in 2012. This was found by Dutch broadcaster RTL. Hospitals have to carry out at least a certain number of specific operations because otherwise patients risk complications. Minister of Health Edith Schippers said that these hospitals will have to stop carrying out these operations if they cannot prove that this year they will meet the required minimum.,+ziekenhuizen+halen+de+norm+niet&tbm=nws
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Major Amsterdam Public Recreation Area becomes Public Toilet
The Amsterdam Forest (Amsterdamse Bos) is the major recreation area of Amsterdam. Recently after a festival was held, tens of eco-toilets used by the thousands of participants were illegally emptied in the forest. Herbert Raat, an Alderman of the Amsterdam suburb Amstelveen said, that he had never experienced such a thing and added that it was “a scandal.”
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
At Least 42 Students to be Prosecuted for Theft of Exams
At least 42 students will be prosecuted for the stealing of final high school exams or the distribution of them. This was announced by the prosecution in Rotterdam. Of the 42 students, 11 are prosecuted for the actual theft. Eight students of the Ibn Ghadoun school in Rotterdam who are suspected of the theft will not receive their diplomas. In total, at that school, 27 different exams were stolen.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Business Leader: Government Guilty for Economic Recession
The government is guilty for the economic recession in the Netherlands. This was said by Dick Boer, Chief Executive of the leading Dutch retailer Ahold. He said that the cabinet doesn’t provide any perspective to the consumer, burdening him all the time with further charges. Therefore, there is no public confidence and consumers don’t spend their money. Boer is the first Dutch top executive to link the Dutch economic crisis to the government policy.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Major Insurer Sends Data on Investments of its Clients to Wrong Addresses
Data of thousands of clients with an investment account at the largest Dutch insurer Aegon have been sent to individual clients. The NOS broadcasting unit received a package with an overview of client accounts from a wrong addressee because the company didn’t make any effort to get this highly confidential information back. All in all, 30 such packages of which 5 have not yet been found.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Minister: Protect Dutch Workers against Invasion from Eastern Europe

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Netherlands Support Cocaine-Legalizing Bolivia
Tens of millions of Dutch tax money are being given annually as development aid to Bolivia. Recently, Bolivian President Evo Morales decided to increase the production of coca leaves – the raw material of cocaine - and also to increase its production. The Ministry for Development Aid will provide 15 million Euros until the end of 2014 to Bolivia. Dutch NGOs, which are subsidized by the Dutch government, spent a multitude of this amount on development aid in Bolivia.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Dutch Elderly and Sick Care Institutions Largely Fail
The Nieuwsuur program reported that most of the inspected elderly and sick care institutions do not meet the minimum norms. This resulted from inspections by the Inspectorate for Health (IGZ) in the past six months. Of the 44 institutions visited, two thirds didn’t meet the minimum norm. It also showed how 4 employees of the Novo Center in Onnen crushed a 44 year old handicapped woman to death.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Subsidiary of Norwegian Firm Hid Major Leaks
It has now become known that the highly controversial Dutch subsidiary of the Norwegian oil tank firm, Odfjell had not reported a major leak in 2009. Thousands of liters of methanol were leaked. A large part of the firm’s activities were closed upon order of authorities in 2012 due to insufficient safety measures. In ten year’s time, there had been 64 incidents. The tanks have not been checked for 30 years.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Nobel Prize Winning Economist: Belgium is Governed Better Financially than the Netherlands

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Merger Causes Chaos in Regional Prosecution Offices
There are malfunctions in the administration of the Prosecution in Utrecht since it has been merged with the office in Lelystad. The prosecutors in Lelystad sent summons to Utrecht which are not sent out to the accused or far too late. As a result a court case against a 86 year old physician had to be delayed. He was accused of making pictures of his clients’ sex parts. There are also similar problems in other merged prosecutor offices.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Dutch Srebrenica Soldiers want Compensation

Tens of Dutch soldiers who were part
of the Dutch U.N. Battalion in Srebrenica in 1995, want compensation from the
Dutch Ministry of Defense for the psychological damage they incurred. A few
days ago, the government agreed, after 10 years of court cases, to pay
compensation for one of the soldiers. He was 19 years old when he was stationed
in Srebrenica and he had been shot at, kidnapped and was a witness of the
killing of another soldier. A few years later, he held the ministry of defense
responsible because it didn’t offer any psychiatric care to the soldiers. The
highest legal, military authority agreed earlier this year that it had taken
“insufficient measures” to prevent post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS)., August 12, 2013
Another Dutch Jihadist Killed in Syria
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Tax Authorities Lose over 1 Billion Euro a Year as Dutchmen fill up Their Tanks Abroad
The Dutch authorities lose over 1 billion Euro a year because many Dutchmen who live close to the German or Belgian borders fill up their gasoline tanks in these countries because it is so much cheaper there. This was published by Bovag and Nove – two professional organizations. At present already 53 percent of those who live less than 20 kilometers from the borders fill up abroad. A further increase in Dutch excise tax would mean that two-thirds will fill up abroad. The authorities not only lose 820 million Euro of excise tax, but also 344 million Euro of added value tax. Furthermore, thousands of Dutch jobs in the industry are at risk.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
All Dutch Embassy Employees have left Yemen
The Dutch Foreign Office has announced that the Dutch Embassy in Yemen is a potential terrorist target. Earlier the ministry had said that this was not the case. By now, all employees of the embassy have left the country. The ministry has also called upon the 40 Dutchmen in Yemen to leave the country. The Dutch Coordinator of the Fight against Terrorism and Security will not raise the level of alarm in the Netherlands. It is already at the one below the highest level.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Dutch Mobile Phone Calls most Expensive in Europe
Calling one minute from a mobile phone in the Netherlands is more expensive than anywhere else in Europe. This was published by the European Commission. A minute phoning in the Netherlands costs 14.7 Eurocent. In Lithuania it costs 1.9 Eurocent, whereas the European average is 9.1 Eurocent. The EU observes that the differences can not be explained by differences in quality, cost or purchase power of consumers.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Increase in Quarrels between neighbors
Neighborhood mediators have to increasingly in conflicts between neighbors. This was published by the Center for the Prevention of criminality and Safety. One reason is that people with psychological problems remain longer and more independently at their homes. In 2012 the mediators intervened 10 000 times. In 2011 there were 9 000 such interventions.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Socialist Party Concerned about Wire-Tapping of Parliamentarians
Parliamentarian Ronald van Raak of the left wing Socialist Party has put parliamentary questions to Minister of Interior Ronald Plasterk (Labor) whether the telecom Company Vodafone can still be used. He wants to be sure that it doesn’t pass information from conversations of parliamentarians to foreign secret services. He said that earlier Vodafone and other companies have helped the British Secret Service in wiretapping.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Dutch Yemen Embassy Closed out of Fear
The Dutch Embassy in Yemen will be
closed in the coming days due to security fears. The American Embassy there
will also be closed because it has been threatened. The closure of the Dutch Embassy
which employs 6 Dutchmen and 15 local workers has not received such threats.
Yet the Dutch government thinks that if several other Western embassies are
closed, it may become a target.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Prostitutes’ Prices Hit by Crisis
Geisha, the sector
organization of prostitutes said that the economic crisis is forcing
prostitutes to lower prices and accept dubious sexual practices. Ilonka
Stakelborough of Geisha told the daily Algemeen Dagblad that the trend is
apparent in the main cities and some prostitutes can no longer pay the rent
fees for their rooms. Until recently, the minimum price was 50 Euro, but in The
Hague and Amsterdam it has come down to as low as 20 Euro.
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