mounted police broke up a protest at The Hague by ‘yellow vest’ protestors who
threw rocks and fireworks at them. About
150-200 demonstrators participated in the protest march near government
offices. The protestors waved Dutch flags, shouted anti-government slogans and tried
to break through a police cordon. Eight
protesters were detained for disturbing the peace after clashing with police.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Five Terror Suspects Arrested

Sunday, December 23, 2018
Mayor Of Weert Takes Public Prosecutor To Court
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Police have Problems with Truncheons Bought
The police have purchased new
truncheons. They are in a holder on the
police uniform which one has to destroy when the truncheon is pulled. Leen Spoor of the Police Association NPB says
that it appears that the truncheons were made from poor material. The police now strengthen them with tie wraps
which was not intended. Spoor says that
the police select the cheapest solution very often.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Government Buys Poorly Made Clothing for its Police Force
The Dutch Government is obliged to place
tenders at a European level when ordering products in bulk. After purchasing 250 000 Polo shirts, the
Dutch company which won the tender ordered the shirts to be manufactured in
Turkey. They were poor in quality and ventilation
was insufficient. The Police officers
started to sweat profusely. 800 000
Euros had to be spent to repair the clothing.
Monday, December 17, 2018
Dutch Jihadist arrested in Spain
Khalid M., a Dutchman, has been
arrested in Spain near Tarragona on suspicion of terrorist activities. The
Spanish intelligence services had information about his contacts with jihadists
who recruit people for terrorist attacks. His name does not appear in the files
of the Dutch intelligence services.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Ministry Of Defense Investigate The Spreading of Racist and Nazi Images

Thursday, December 13, 2018
Up to 50 soldiers fired each year for drug use
A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense has told the Telegraaf
paper that the long term average is between 30 and 50 sackings of military
personnel per year due to drug use. Addiction expert Dick Trubendorffer, said
that the real number of drug users in the army is probably much higher as one
in ten of the population struggle with an addiction of some sort. The Dutch
Army employs 40 000 people.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Afghan Terrorist in Court: I Have No Regrets
The 19-year old Afghan terrorist, Jawed S., said
in court that he does not regret wounding two American tourists at
the central station of Amsterdam in August. One of
the wounded Americans will remain handicapped for life. The terrorist came to
the Netherlands from Germany where he had been given asylum. He said that he
had come to the Netherlands in order to defend Muhammed.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Foreign students afraid in Amsterdam neighborhood
Foreign students who currently reside in the Daalwijk neighborhood
of Amsterdam are afraid. Recently, a bullet grazed a foreign student. The neighborhood
is unsafe for women, yet students cannot get out of their leases. There is a housing shortage
of 40 000 rooms for students in the Netherlands. The problems are worse
for foreign students.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Netherlands Finds Legal Way to Keep Stolen Holocaust Art
The Netherlands has recently developed a legal method
for keeping stolen Holocaust art. A special commission decides whether to keep a work of art which was disowned or had to be sold under
pressure during the Holocaust in the museum where it resides or to return it to
the original owner’s inheritors. In a number of cases the commission has
decided that the Dutch museums can thus keep stolen works of art.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Terror Suspect Arrested
Dutch Police have arrested a Syrian terrorist suspect
in the town of Bergeijk. He is suspected
of been a member of the Jabat al-Nusra organization and also suspected of fighting
in Syria as well as being suspected of money laundering. A few months ago, his younger brother, also a
member of the same terrorist organization has been arrested in the
Monday, December 3, 2018
Rotterdam: Dangerous Tensions between Extreme Left and Extreme Right
The municipal management in Rotterdam has expressed
its concern about the radicalization of extreme left and extreme right. Both
groups nowadays are involved in violence. In Rotterdam 4 alt-right groups are
active. Their actions can lead to violent reactions of extreme left. Rotterdam
mayor, Ahmed Aboutaleb, writes that in the past years the main focus of
activities was against radical Islam, now both repression and prevention will
have to be applied towards extreme rightists and the polarization.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Police stop 16 000 investigations due to shortage of detectives
A police spokesman has confirmed
that Dutch police in 2018, until November has stopped 16 000 crime
investigations about which there have been complaints and registrations. This
concerns exclusively crimes where the police believe they can solve them
because there is sufficient evidence. The amount of cases halted has been at
this level for a number of years already. The ACP Police Trade Union has also said
that major crimes are not dealt with due to lack of staff.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
43% of Dutch Jews take active steps to hide their identity in public
A survey conducted by the Een Vandaag
television show found that 43% of Dutch Jews take active steps to hide their
Jewish identity in public. For instance, by wearing a hat over their kippah, or
hiding their Star of David pendants. Thirty four percent say they have
experienced antisemitic remarks directed against them. This concerns mainly
remarks connected to Israel. Eleven
percent said that they had experienced antisemitic violence against them.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Greek Soccer Supporters Throw Petrol Bomb in Stands of Dutch Fans
In a champions' league soccer game the Athens home side, AEK, received AJAX Amsterdam. Before the
kickoff the visiting fans came under attack as home supporters threw flares
into their stands. On social media one
could see how an AEK fan threw an improvised petrol bomb to AJAX
supporters. Other reports said that the Greek
police officers hit AJAX fans before the game.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Dutchman played Key Role in ISIS
Mohamed Amine Boutahar, born in Rabat in Morocco, grew
up in the Netherlands and had a Dutch passport. It has now been discovered that
he was one of the leaders of the Amniyat, the secret service of ISIS. Under his
leadership western hostages in Syria were interrogated and tortured. He collaborated
with jihadists who later carried out terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels.
His father was the Moroccan consul in the Dutch town Den Bosch. Mohamed was
executed in 2014 having been accused of being a British spy.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Dutch Drug Traders Swamp Belgium
The number of cannabis plantations in Belgium is
growing. Report Radio research has found that the growing is dominated by Dutch criminals. The plants come from the Netherlands. Police Commissioner Marc Vancoillie of the Belgium
Federal Justice Police says that Dutch criminals often play a role in the finance, supply of material and sale of the finished product. In the past,
plantations could be found mainly in the border areas. Nowadays, one finds them in Wallonia. This is
the result of tough policies in the Netherlands and the northern part of Belgium.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Dutch Prosecutor refuses to follow up on complaint by three Jewish youth
In July,
Jeremy Corbyn leader of the British Labour Party visited the Netherlands. Corbyn, a terrorist sympathizer, associates
with Holocaust distorters, incites against Israel and is a part-time
antisemite. At a lecture hosted by the Dutch Labor Party, three young Jewish silent protestors held up a sign “Labor for the many, not the Jew.” A pro-Corbyn journalist hit one of them and
broke his glasses. After the latter complained to the police, the prosecution ended the police investigation saying it would be too expensive to follow
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Attorney General Public Prosecutor too quick to take DNA
The Public
Prosecutor takes DNA samples 25,000 times per year from prisoners whose sentences are four or more years. The Attorney General
of the Supreme Court, however, said that privacy is at risk if DNA samples are
taken from people convicted of crimes like embezzlement and forgery. He suggest
only taking DNA samples from people convicted of serious violent or sexual
Monday, November 19, 2018
Cambodia: Dutch in Third Place among Child Abusers
The Dutch
are in the third place of child abusers in Cambodia. Last year one Dutchman was
condemned to 5 years jail of which 3 years suspended for making child
pornography. A second Dutchman was condemned the same year to 5 years jail for the
abuse of street children.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Vietnamese increasingly active in Dutch hashish trade
Already in
2016, a senior police commander warned about the increasing influence of
Vietnamese hashish gangs. He also
mentioned that major violence could be expected with Dutch hashish criminals. A
few days ago, four people were murdered in the town of Enschede, two of them
had a Vietnamese background.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
UN Experts accuse Dutch Social Workers of Racism
The UN
claims that research shows that negative stereotypes about parents of African descent
leads to more reporting of maltreatment and greater involvement of state
agencies for children of African descent in the Netherlands. They specifically
mention 7 children of African descent which were forcibly removed from their
parents. The UN racism experts accuse Dutch social workers of racism.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Asylum Center Terrorized by Group of Residents
A group of
residents terrorized the largest asylum center in the Netherlands town of Ter Apel. These people also steal in shops in the town.
The chairman of the local shop owners’ organization says that it is primarily
North African and Eastern Europeans who are responsible for the thefts. They also sometimes harass women in the
shops. Bus drivers threaten that they
will no longer stop at the asylum center due to the intimidation of people who
belong to this group.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Dutch Police is Tired
The dutch
police trade Union (NPB) says that the pressure on police men is absurdly high.
The law on maximum working times is transgressed 200.000 times a year. The Union
says that the police protects everybody except itself. After five years police
men are fed up with having to make additional hours all the time. The police
leadership says that the trend of too much pressure on police men is declining.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
After ING scandal, Finance Ministry comes out against money laundering

Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Every Year 200 Dead and 5000 Infections by resistant Bacteria
Dutch scholar
and researcher Prof. Mirjam Kretzschmar says that resistant bacteria are
increasing. They can’t be treated by many types of antibiotics. She estimates
that every year 200 people in the Netherlands die from resistant bacteria and
5.000 get infected.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Estimate: 16 billion Euro white washed in the Netherlands
A rough
estimate by the University of Utrecht is that in the Netherlands 16 billion
euro are white washed per year. The study was done on behalf of the Center for
Scientific Research and Documentation (WODC). About 90% of the money comes from
drug trade and fraud. The researchers say that this is in particular worrying because
fraud is increasing in many ways.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Amsterdam Police Chief: Hand Grenades are Cheap
police chief, Pieter-Jaap Aalsberberg, says that grenades can be bought on the
black market or dark web for 5-20 Euro.
Those found in Amsterdam regularly come from Yugoslavia or Russia. He added, “Hand grenades belong to a war and
not to a city.” At present they have
been found placed in locations in Amsterdam in a targeted manner. They are probably part of a threat to a
particular location, business or owners of a business. The AT5 broadcaster said
that in 2014 there were four incidences involving hand grenades in
Amsterdam. This year there are already
14. Not a single arrest has been made
regarding these incidences this year.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Individual proves that underage youth can order alcohol online
Individuals show how easy it is for youngster to get alcohol online despite it being prohibited
A trial by
an individual showed that it is easy to order alcohol online including hard
liquor even if one is below the age of 18.
He placed orders a number of times and it was delivered without
validating the age of the person
receiving the order.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Amsterdam Businesses threatened if they don’t pay Bitcoins
A variety of
Amsterdam businesses, including 3 coffee shops, received an email threatening
them with hand grenades or shooting unless they pay 50 thousand bitcoins each.
It the payment is not made within one week the amount will be doubled. There have
been many incidents involving hand grenades and other explosives in Amsterdam since
the start of last year.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Dutch Companies have Permits to supply dual-use Products to Saudi Arabia
Dutch firms hold
94 government approved contracts to supply products to Saudi Arabia which can be
used for civilian as well as military purposes. The contracts have a value of
130 million euro’s. The governments says that it intends to stop the export of
goods which could be used to contravene human rights.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Soldiers live in Hotels; Barracks are unlivable
About 200
Dutch soldiers had to leave their barracks in Huis ter Heide because they are
unlivable. The rooms are outdated, the hygiene is very bad and in some of the
barracks there was much vermin. As there is no place in barracks in the
neighborhood they will be living in the coming months in hotels around the town
of Zeist.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Utrecht Central Area In International Cocaine Trade
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Amsterdam: Because of Explosives Dozens of Homes Evacuated
Dozens of
homes in the western part of Amsterdam were evacuated today after explosives
were discovered. The police believe the explosives were to be used to blow up an automatic teller machine.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Human trafficking Victims still largely invisible in the Netherlands

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Report: Dutch Prosecutors used coercive Measures on Journalists 15 Times in 3 Years
The Dutch
Public Prosecution has used coercive measures against journalists 15 times in 3
years. These measures include eavesdropping on calls, retrieving phone data and
requisition of journalistic material. Earlier this year the public prosecutor
admitted not following the proper procedure in two cases of eavesdropping on
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Advisory bodies: Dutch government ignores vulnerable people
A number of
advisory bodies, the National Ombudsman, the Netherlands Court of Auditors, and the social and cultural planning office (SCP) said in a joint statement that the
Dutch government has little regard for thousands of vulnerable people in
the country who do not receive the necessary care. This includes psychiatric patients,
elderly people with dementia and young people with a mild intellectual
disability. Part of this is due to the
lack of information provided by the government.
Among the recommendations of the advisory bodies is that the government
simplify the procedures vulnerable people have to go through in order to
receive help.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Public Prosecution accuses Dutch jihadi of War Crimes
The Public Prosecution
department is taking legal action against a Dutch jihadi for war crimes. This
is the first time this has happened. Oussame A. from Utrecht had posted a
picture on Facebook of himself laughing next to the body of a man who had been
crucified. He and Reda Nidalha from Leiden were sent back to the Netherlands
from Turkey.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Report: Social Safety insufficient in Dutch Army
The report
of the Giebels commission found that the culture in the Dutch army is such that
some soldiers do not feel safe there. If one has a complaint one doesn’t know
where to lodge it, when it will be dealt with and who will see it. There is
also a lack of objectivity and independence among those who investigate the
complaints. The Ministry of Defense has now announced that there will be an independent
hotline for complaints.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Minister of Defense: Netherlands is in a Cyber War with Russia
Minister of Defense, Ank Bijleveld, said that the Netherlands is involved in a
cyber war with Russia. In April, four
Russian military personnel were expelled because they wanted to hack the wifi
network of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons in the
Hague. Bijleveld said that the Russian
cyber tactics are very dangerous, for instance, in influencing elections. Dutch military intelligence and security
service, MIVD, said that the Chinese are also very active in this area.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Criminals dump life threating drug waste endangering citizens
Christian Democrat parliamentarian Madeleine
van Toorenburg says that criminals dumped life threatening drug waste in neighborhoods endangering its inhabitants. She is
calling for more severe punishment of drug criminals. Labor parliamentarian Attje Kuiken has said “it
seems sometimes that the drug mafia controls the streets.”
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Command Troops complain about poisonous Gasses at Shooting-range
Fourteen members of the command
troops have complained about the poisonous gasses, which were not properly
removed when they were shooting, on the shooting Range in Bergen op Zoom. Already
since July 2015 it was known that there were poisonous gasses, yet the soldiers
were not informed about this. The deputy minister of Defense Barbara Visser has
said that the command troops should come and talk to her.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Oncologists: Thousand Women may get unnecessary Chemotherapy
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Netherlands expels four Russian spies

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Dutch police arrest 7 Muslim terrorist planners
be many victims.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Dutch Soldiers have to buy their own winter clothes for mission
soldiers who will participate in a NATO exercise next month in Norway will have
to buy their own clothes for the cold climate. The Dutch deputy minister of
Defense Barbara Visser (Liberals) said that the ministry had failed to realize
that such clothes were needed for the exercise. She hopes that this will never
be repeated.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Dutch Government funded Jihadist Group in Syria
The Dutch
government has been supporting an armed group in Syria which has been branded
by the Dutch Public Prosecution as a terrorist group. The Netherlands provided
uniforms and pick-up trucks to this group Jabbat al-Shamiya. The public Prosecutor
calls this group Salafist and jihadist. It strives for the setting up caliphate
and is a criminal organization with terrorist intent. The Netherlands has
admitted funding Syrian rebel groups but has always falsely maintained that all
were moderate.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Undercover sociologist: ‘Dutch Salafist have no loyalty to democracy’
Mohammed Soroush has carried out during three years undercover research for his
doctorate among the 30,000 Dutch Salafists. He concluded that they are not
loyal to democracy. Their preachers promote intolerance and polarization.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Twenty Out of 39 Dutch Bishops Knew About Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church
Twenty of 39 Dutch Bishops, Assistant Bishops and Cardinals between
1945 and 2010 knew of the sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands. Four of them had themselves abused children
and 16 others knew about the abuse done by some people reporting to them. These
pedophiles were given another position in which they often abused children.
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