The Liberal Party (VVD) will establish in its faction space in parliament an exhibition facility for censored artists. The party leader Mark Rutte decided on this after his motion to establish such exhibition facilities in the public space of the parliament building received only the support of the Freedom Party. Three artists have already been contacted. Gregorius Nekschot is a cartoonist who was temporarily arrested two weeks ago because his drawings were considered inciting to discrimination. Soorah Hera is a photographer who cannot find exposition space for her pictures of two Iranian homosexuals with masks of Mohammed and his son in law Ali. Ellen Vroegh is a painter whose pictures with naked women were removed by the municipality of Huizen after complaints by Muslims.
1 comment:
I don't mean to detract from the dismal scene in the Netherlands with its censorship issues, so may I add that we here in Vancouver, Canada are facing something quite similar.
Mark Steyn, whom some of the readers here are surely familiar with, is being called to a kangaroo court on Monday to face a quasi-judicial hearing of state bureaucrats at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal. Yes, the title is Orwellian. The process, which is already affecting Ezra Levant, is now gearing up to go after Mark Steyn.
If you or anyone you know is in or able to come to Vancouver to attend our show of support for free speech here, and by extension elsewhere, please join us at the court house on Monday at 8:00 a.m.
Meantime, there are details and a call for slogans at http://covenantzone.blogspot.com/
We will be meeting as per our regular schedule at the public library here on Thursday evening, ans we will welcome any who care to sit with us in the atrium from 7-9:00 p.m. outside Blenz coffee bar. My name is Dag, and I wear an Israeli flag on my baseball cap to piss-of the opposition. I'm easy to spot even in a crowd. please feel free to join us then or at the court house Monday.
Our best to the Netherlands.
Dag (and Covenanters.)
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