A flight of the Dutch Transavia company from Seville to
Amsterdam has been delayed by one day because a Moroccan shouted shortly before
departure ‘Allahu Akbar’ [Allah is Great]. After passengers had informed the
steward, the pilot decided to return to the gate. The plane was emptied. The passengers left the plane and all luggage
was searched. Nothing suspect was found.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
6,000 Illegal Air B&B Rentals in Amsterdam

Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Utrecht: Universities Respond to Hazing Incidents
The television program, Rambam, filmed hazing rituals of a
number of student associations in Utrecht.
An aspiring member of the female student association, UVSV, said that
her asthma medication was taken away.
Another girl said that she was spat on.
This is now being investigated by both the HU University of Applied
Science Utrecht and Utrecht University.
In the meantime, the universities have decided to suspend contributions
to UVSV.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Powerful fireworks aimed at trains

Sunday, December 24, 2017
Attacker of Kosher restaurant free for several months

Thursday, December 21, 2017
Alcohol, Drugs, Prostitution and other Abuse at Military Barracks
A confidential internal report from 2015 of the Ministry of
Defense mentions that soldiers at the Oranje barracks (Oranjekazerne) in
Schaarsbergen regularly drank large quantities of alcohol and used drugs.
Furthermore they brought prostitutes into the barracks. It has also become
known that soldiers stole or destroyed materials from the Ministry of Defense.
Recently abuse in initiation rituals in the barracks has been made public by
three former soldiers. Newcomers were subject to systematic harassment, maltreatment,
sexual abuse and even rape. Chairman Jean Debie of the military trade union VBM
says that similar information continues to reach the union.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Turkish Dutchmen wanted to murder Erdogan

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Prosecution prevents attack by Muslim convert

Monday, December 18, 2017
Dutch Professor: Dementia Will Become the Major Cause of Death
Martijn Katan, a retired professor of nutrition at the Free
University of Amsterdam predicts that many of those who are today in their 50’s
and 60’s will die from dementia. Next
year, according to the Bureau of Statistics, dementia will become the main
cause of death in the Netherlands as a result of the decline of heart attacks
as the leading cause of death. He said that the possibility that euthanasia will be expanded and become a politically correct ideology cannot
be excluded. This the more so as society’s
costs for health care are continually increasing.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Former Utrecht Professor: "Jews are profiteers and parasites"

Thursday, December 14, 2017
Attacker of Jewish restaurant was trained in Syria

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
About One-Third of Packaging Used in the Netherlands is Difficult to Recycle
Researchers at Wageningen University have found that about
one-third of the packaging used in the Netherlands is difficult to recycle and
often contaminated with PVC. This
plastic has been banned because of its environmental risk. The research was carried out on behalf of the
Dutch Waste Processors and Management Association (NVRV)
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
The Dutch Police have no manpower to investigate Turkish heroin criminals

Monday, December 11, 2017
Attacker of Amsterdam Jewish Restaurant freed after two Days
The Palestinian asylumseeker who attacked a Jewish restaurant
last Thursday in Amerdam and destroyed its windows has already been freed. He
is not allowed to come within hundred meters of the restaurant and has to collaborate
with the rehabilitation services. The man has said that he had no antisemitic intentions.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
D66 Politician links anti-semitic attack to Trump policy

Dutch Jewish lawyer, Herman Loonstein condemned van
Dantzig’s statement as “cowardly and obscene” remarking that it was a form of
“victim blaming.”
In the meantime the lawyer of the perpetrator has said that the
attack had nothing to do with Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as capital of
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Amsterdam: Man with Palestinian flag breaks windows of Jewish restaurant
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Rail Infrastructure Company Has to Pay Penalty for Carelessness

Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Police union supervising black Pete demonstration had very high costs

Monday, December 4, 2017
Groningen: Psychologists Treat Student Movement Members Due to Harassment
Various psychologists have reported treating members of the Vindicat student movement in Groningen. Extreme initiation rituals have led to
students being hospitalized. One student
was brought to court for maltreating another student member. Until this year new members were also required to sign a
contract where they agreed to keep silent.
The university says that it will investigate the issue.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Former Members disclose information about Motormaffia

Thursday, November 30, 2017
The Hague: Croat Commits Suicide in Yugoslavia Tribunal
Slobodan Praljak, a former Croation general, who was condemned by
the Yugoslavia Tribunal in the Hague to a twenty year jail sentence too his own
life during the court session by drinking a vial of poison. Comment: One wonders how incompetent the
Tribunal can be if such a thing can happen.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Most Minors whose Asylum-Request has been refused stay in The Netherlands

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Black Book on Ethnic Discrimination in Dutch Police
Twenty six policemen, mainly with a non-Western background,
have prepared a black book about personal experiences with discrimination in
the Dutch police. They say that they
have been discriminated against and intimidated by colleagues and have not
found a willing ear from their superiors.
The head of the Dutch police, Erik Akerboom, admitted to the urgency of
the problem. He said that a change of
culture requires time and effort in all layers of our society.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Rijswijk: Congress Planned to Free Palestinian Terrorist

Sunday, November 26, 2017
Major Criticism on the Publications of Academics
A few years ago it became known that a well-known Dutch
professor, Diederik Stapel, had invented the data on which tens of his articles
were based. This essay shows that there
is a huge area of poor research and that peer reviews have also become a grey
area. The essay expresses doubts whether
the real societal aim of science is met: to contribute to a better world and a
better life on this earth. It says that
a systemic approach to the problem is necessary.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Huge pollution of Spraying Gravel with Asbestos

Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Sex Crime Police Under Pressure
Jan Struijs, Chairman of the Dutch Police Union (NPB), says
that the sex crime police division is under great pressure. All research shows that there is insufficient
information about sexual violence and intimidation in Dutch society. The pressure on the police has continually increased
in this area. The issues concerned are
child pornography, rape, human trafficking and incest. While monitors indicate that there are more
reports on cases, there is no increase in the number of complaints to the
police. He concluded that sexual
violence is a problem from which we only see the tip of the iceberg.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Alt Right Group Includes Neo-Nazis

Monday, November 20, 2017
Intelligence service: Radical Muslim Women may Carry out Terror Attacks
The AIVD general intelligence service warns that about hundred
Muslim women in the Netherlands are radicalized so much that they might undertake
a terror attack. In addition eighty women have left the Netherlands to join
ISIS in Syria or Iraq. The AIVD mentions that part of them walk around with
weapons and suicide belts. That means that the image of the woman which sits at
home taking care of the children is no longer valid.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Dutch Writer Produces Major Distortion of Anne Frank Story
Dutch author, Ilija Pfeijffer, has written a totally distorted theater play of
the diary of Anne Frank. In this work, Anne Frank has lost her Jewish
character. The author has invented a
sexual assault on Anne Frank’s sister, Margot, by Fritz Pfeffer, one of the
other real life Jews in hiding in the same place. The Nazis are not mentioned
as such but referred to as “the enemies.”
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Criminal Albanians rising Group in Drug Trade

Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Amsterdam Airport Negligent on Security
Various sources say that Schiphol Amsterdam Airport is
negligent concerning security. The Dutch
organization of pilots, VNV, has written to parliament on this issue and in
April the research council for security also issued a warning. In addition, the chairman of the organization
of inhabitants around Schiphol discussed the growing fear of collision in the
air and on landing strips.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Minister: Russians attempt to influence Public Opinion with Fake News
Kajsa Ollongren (D66), Minister of
the Interior, has written to Parliament, that mainly Russia is trying to
influence the Dutch public opinion with fake news. She said that the Russian
Intelligence Services target the Netherlands. Ollongren called the distribution
of fake news a danger for The Netherlands. She wants to have a meeting with
media and technology companies to prevent this type of influence.
Monday, November 13, 2017
The Hague: Moroccans throw Objects at Police, Arrests Made

Sunday, November 12, 2017
Liberal Jewish Community: Hatred against Jews increasingly normal
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Jewish Journalist exposes Muslim Party’s maligning of Him

Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Terrorist Planner Condemned to Half Prison Sentence by Public Prosecutor
Jaouad A., a 31 year old man from Rotterdam, has been condemned
by the court in Rotterdam to four years in prison for preparing a terrorist
attack. The public prosecution had
requested eight years of jail. Police
and the intelligence service identified him and he was arrested last year. At his home, a Kalashnikov, armor plated
bullets, a jihad flag and 298 illegal fireworks were found. On his computer 289 ISIS videos were found
including beheadings. A conversation was
also recorded in which he discussed the possibility of an attack on the Turkish
Consulate yet a few minutes later he said that the people inside were Muslims and added that it was better to
choose Dutchmen.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Imam beats Children in Class in Mosque
Haroen K. is the Imam of the Shane Mustafa in Mosque Rotterdam. A video shown in the Dutch daily Telegraaf, shows how he beats children in a class taking place at the mosque. It now has come out that he was sentenced to 100 hours community service for hitting a child in the UK, where he had lived before moving to Holland. In the past he was also working at the Hijaz-commune in the UK. The founder of that commune has been accused by a Dutch woman of raping children.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Netherlands faces Looming Shortage in Foster Families

Sunday, November 5, 2017
Israel Lobby: Muslim Party Uses Antisemitic Symbols and Insinuations
The CIDI Israel Information Service has written to all
parliamentarians saying that the Muslim party, DENK, has put forth
parliamentary questions which are permeated by antisemitic symbols, suggestions
and insinuations while covering them up as criticism of Israel. CIDI asked
parliamentarians to condemn the antisemitic style of DENK.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Dutch novelist raises questions about husband of Dutch minister.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Antisemitic Inciter Only Gets a Small Fine by Public Prosecutor
A pizza baker, Rachid El H., tweeted in 2012 extreme
antisemitic messages including: “Only answer for Israel: Total extermination of
the cockroaches” and “Hitler wasn’t much compared to the Israelis. Somebody
should have taken over Hitler’s task of sixty years ago.” In 2017 Dutch public
TV, NOS, interviewed Rachid about fighting polarization in the Netherlands, but
the NOS didn’t vet him or check his extreme hate mongering. The public prosecutor has proposed to Rachid
that he pay 250 Euro and will be free of further prosecution.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Dutch Red Cross loyal to German Nazi occupiers during Second World War

Monday, October 30, 2017
Amsterdam: Was fired municipal official made a scapegoat for deceased mayor’s secret activities?
The deceased mayor of Amsterdam Eberhard van der Laan
(Labour) has been found to have run a secret project against radicalization of
Muslims. A series of movies was prepared for Youtube around a Moroccan who
opposed radicalization. It now turns out that the person in question was a
hired actor. The project was titled “the Grey Campaign” and carried out without
knowledge of the Municipal Council. It may well be that the dismissed official
Saadia a. T. has been made a scapegoat for the mayor’s hidden activities. Municipal
council members require that full information is provided about the Grey
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Euthanasia Clinic Unable to Cope with Requests
The number of requests for euthanasia made to a special
clinic for people whose doctors won’t help them die is rising fast. The organization is looking for an additional
50 staff members. The director said that
the rise in the number of requests for euthanasia is due to the fact that more
people want to choose how they die. The
taboo is disappearing. Amsterdam Free
University researcher, Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen, said that requests for euthanasia
rose from 13,000 in 2011 to 18,000 in 2016.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Imam who preaches hate expelled from Belgium now preaching in the Netherlands

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Extermination Experts: Rats May Cause Medieval Plagues
There is increasing news about the plague of rats in the
Netherlands getting out of hand. Experts say that the population of rats is
explosively increasing. 88 Dutchmen fell sick last year both in the Netherlands
and abroad with the rat sickness also known as the sickness of Weil. Before 2014, this illness hardly existed in
the Netherlands. It is spread through
rat urine that gets into waterways. A
major government study on the rat plague is underway and will be published
early next year.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Amsterdam politician: town suffers from a plague of rats…
Carolien de Heer, (Labor) a member of the Amsterdam
municipality says that there is a plague of rats and mice in the town. She added that they multiply in a dirty
town. De Heer now wants to consult other
towns abroad how they deal with the problem.
She mentioned in New York research is being done to control the
population of rats by feeding them with contraceptives. This however is not permitted in the
Monday, October 23, 2017
More Dutch Ammunition found unsafe
Last year unsafe Dutch ammunition led to the death of two
soldiers during an exercise in Mali, where the Netherlands has soldiers on a UN
peace mission. In the meantime additional ammunition has been declared unsafe. This
concerns anti-tank ammunition and smoke grenades which possibly have deteriorated
due to the high temperatures in the African country. Furthermore it has been decided
that the 81 mm mortars of the Dutch soldiers in Mali and Lithuania present a
safety risk and should not be used.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Dutch Jihadist; husband wanted to commit attack in Netherlands

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