The Christian nudist site – Gan Eden – and the nudist park Flevo-Natuur in Zeewolde are planning a nudist church service for 28 September. This is a result of the great success of an earlier such service at the end of June in which 80 nude people participated. Only the pastor, who came from the Roman Catholic diocese of Utrecht, was clothed.
Is goed, niks aan de hand. Naakt zijn is puur gezond!
Kleren zijn voor de kou, niet om je geslachtsdelen te schuilen.
Mijn naakt websites zijn over de hele wereld te vinden. Ik ben trots op mijn naakt lichaam...
email: aquablauw@gmail.com voor meer informatie.
Sorry, this is in Dutch. Being pure naked is beautiful, healthy and erotic. Please continue, let no one stop ye all!
Just an update, my new musical erotic site is: http://harrybroker.net/aquablauw1
For any correspondence, email it to: harry.broker@harrybroker.net
All other posted links are hereby closed!
Update: December 3, 2009
Check out latest news about "aquablauw" at:
Harry Broker, "aquablauw" is noe a recording artist for Deka Records.
As of April 17, 2012, aquablauw's musical website can be seen at: http://reverbnation.com/aquablauw and his erotic website van be seen at: http://harrybroker.net/sexlog/
Google search,aquablauw and/or harybroker, for more information!
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