In The Netherlands many
fireworks are lighted at the end of the year and beginning of the new year. They
cause rapidly major air pollution. At least 700.000 Dutchmen have increased lung
problems around that time. They suffer from tightness of the chest, coughing attacks,
shortness of breath or even a pulmonary attack. The concentrations of fine dust
are around that time 25 times more than normal. In some places they even reach
50 times.
Monday, December 30, 2019
Sunday, December 29, 2019
MP Parliamentarian: Netherlands must stop its liberal drug policy

Thursday, December 26, 2019
Huge pumping required for survival of Netherlands
Don De Bake, former senior adviser for flood defenses at the
National Water Authority says that the Netherlands has to pump out almost 5
trillion gallons of water per year. This
figure will rise with global warming. He warned “if we stop our pumping, then
the western part of the Netherlands will be one big lake within half a year or
so.” The draining of the land however causes it to sink further and powering
the pumps increases the carbon output of the country, thus the Netherlands risks
increasing the problem while trying to mitigate it.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Amsterdam Murder Rate Up in 2019
So far this year, there have been 21 murders in Amsterdam.
Six up on 2018. The victims and killers are increasingly likely to be young men.
Nine of this year’s victims were under the age of 30 and disputes between rival
gangs were responsible for the bulk of the dead.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Supreme Court Orders Unattainable Reduction of Green House Gas emissions
The Supreme Court said in a ruling that within 12 months
greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands have to be reduced by at least 25% compared to 1990. The
court said that the case was a Human Rights Issue. It rejected the point of
view of the government. The Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), said
that this was an unattainable and out of reach goal.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Will Climate Change Force Half the Dutch Population to Move?
Today almost half of the Netherlands’ 17 million inhabitants
live along its 350 km coast or in regions which are below sea level. If climate
change continues 60% of the country could be flooded. This includes also the
bustling port of Rotterdam.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
ATMs' close at night out of fear for explosive attacks
In view of the many criminal attacks with explosives at
ATMs, it has been decided to close ATMs between 11pm and 7am. Nevertheless, a
closed ATM in Apeldoorn was blown up causing huge damage. It is unclear
whether the thieves succeeded in obtaining any money. Research is now being conducted as to whether the use of explosives could make bank notes worthless.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Major Dutch Bank settles Fine for Money Laundering in Italy
The major Dutch ING Bank has settled
with the Italian Central Bank for money laundering claims paying a fine of 30
million euro. During the investigation by the Central Bank the ING was not
allowed to take on new clients. The Dutch Central Bank has stated that Dutch
banks don’t do enough to prevent being used for money laundering.
Monday, December 16, 2019
After Murder of Lawyer Successors will be Anonymous
On 18 September lawyer Derk
Wiersum of a key witness Nabil B. in the Marengoproces was murdered. Since then
also his last lawyer resigned. From now on Nabil B. will be assisted by lawyers
whose names will remain anonymous. Chairman of the Council for Jurisdiction Henk
Naves said that this development was undesirable but unavoidable.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Shortage of Psychiatric Clinics is danger to society
The head of one of the psychiatric clinics in the Netherlands said there is a danger to society because an insufficient budge is being spent on psychiatric care. Three
major clinics have announced that they will bring proceedings against the government because they
need more money.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Dutch Mayors and Police Chiefs: Police has too few Officers to do their Work properly
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Dutch Criminal threatens Journalist from Jail

Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Police arrests Two Terrorist-Suspects
The Dutch police has arrested two men of respectively 20
and 34 years from Zoetermeer. They are suspected of preparing a jihadist
attack. The 20 year old has Dutch nationality but the family is originally from
Iraq. The 34 year old apparently has the Iranian nationality. From Zoetermeer
in the past various jihadists traveled to Syria and have returned from there.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Police Unions Exposes Major Weaknesses to Minister

Thursday, November 21, 2019
35% of Dutchmen Are Afraid To Fly
five percent of Dutchmen are afraid to fly of which 22% of them refuse to
fly under any circumstances. The remainder
are willing to fly if there is no other solution and travel under
duress. In
addition to the 35%, another 10% do not avoid flying but dread it.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Researcher: Amsterdam Municipality co-responsible for Deportation of 36,000 Jews during the Holocaust
Researcher Lion Tokkie has published
results of his research which he started in 2010. He discovered that a
department of the Amsterdam municipality was the main force in sending unemployed
Jews to labour camps. The Germans played no role in this. From the labour camps
the Jews were sent via the Dutch transit camp to Westerbork to Eastern Europe,
where almost all were murdered. Tokkie concludes that the Amsterdam municipality
is co-responsible for the final deportation of 36,000 Jewish men women and children.
It has also been found that in 1937 the Dutch authorities had given a secret
instruction that Dutch bureaucrats should collaborate with measures of a possiblel
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Pakistani jailed for 10 years for plotting terror attack on Geert Wilders
A Pakistani who posted a
video on facebook threatening to send Dutch anti-Islam politician to hell has
been jailed for 10 years. Twenty seven year
old Junaid I, traveled to the Netherlands in August last year after Wilders
announced a competition for the cartoon of Prophet Mohammed. In the video, Junaid pledged to do everything
in his power to stop the “dog” Wilders. The judges said that the suspect wanted
to carry an attack in one of the parliament buildings, the heart of Dutch democracy.
Monday, November 18, 2019
After Murder of Lawyer even more Shortages in Security Police
After the recent murder of
Amsterdam lawyer Derk Wiersum many more people will have to be guarded by
security police. However, these special Royal and Diplomatic Security Service
(DKDB) has 48 vacancies of its 392 official positions. This shortage exists
already for many years, but the government doesn’t succeed to solve it.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Earth Movement Companies Will Bring Huge Financial Claim against Government
The manufacturers’
organization, VNO-NCW, has announced that there will be a huge claim against
the government because earth moving companies have been prevented from working
due to new norms regarding chemicals in the ground.
The organization of earth movers says that the Minister of Building,
Stientje van Veldhoven, has not understood how serious the situation is.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Police arrest Salafist preacher suspected of supporting ISIS
Last week, Salafist preacher Fouad el B,
aka Abou Hafs was arrested along with five others. He is suspected of having transferred money between 2013 and 2014 to ISIS fighters in Syria or related people. The money at
least 200 000 Euro was collected in the Netherlands.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Ministry’s Report about Killing 70 Iraqi Civilians can’t be found
Minister of Defense, Ank Bijleveld,
had promised parliament last week to give
a detailed report about the killing of 70 Iraqi civilians by a Dutch bombardment
in 2015. Her predecessor Jeanine Hennis had falsely informed parliament at the
time that there were no civil casualties. In the mean time it seems that the Ministry
of Defense can’t find the detailed report about the killings and the minister
can’t supply the information promised.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Flying expert: airport crash 27 years ago was pilot’s fault
Dutch flying expert, Harry
Horlings says that the crash of a Martin airplane in Faro, Portugal in 1992 was
due to a series of mistakes of the pilot.
He assists victims and family members
to prepare a court case and accuses the French and German experts who wrote the
official report on the crash of covering up pilot error.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Pilot by Mistake creates Chaos at Amsterdam Airport
A pilot was explaining to a
trainee a number of matters in a plane and entered the plane’s “hostage alert”
code. After the alarm all passengers of the plane and many passengers in the
terminal were evacuated. Passengers at the airport reported panic and screaming
while armed police ran around.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Drug Use in the Netherlands at record high
The amount of chemical drug waste dumpings has increased
by 42% during 2018. There were almost
300 such dumpings versus slightly over 200 in 2017. It is clear that drug use in the Netherlands
has reached record highs. In 2018, use of cocaine, ecstasy, and amfetamines were two to three times more than in 2005.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Collection of Waste Is Inefficient
The Central Planning Bureau (CPB) says that recycling goes
up in the Netherlands but often the costs exceed the benefits. Quality of the recycling can increase as
communities focus on quantity instead of quality. The CPB mentions a number of additional
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Ministry of Defense: We have misinformed Parliament
The Ministry of Defense now recognizes that during the war
against ISIS in 2015 Dutch F-16 planes have killed tens of civilians in Iraq.
Seventy civilians died in Hawija and four in Mosul. The ministry admits that in
2015 the then minister Jeanine Hennis falsely informed the parliament about
this when she said that there were no civilian casualties form the Dutch
bombing in Iraq. It seems that the minister knew at the time that the
information provided was not correct.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Military Police refuses to protect Judges and Prosecutors
Since the murder of lawyer Derk Wiersum, 20 to 30 people get
special police protection. This includes judges and prosecutors. It creates
major pressure on the police. The military police refuses to make people
available for this purpose. They say that it has already too much work in
guarding mosques, synagogues, parliament and the Amsterdam airport.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Rotterdam Mayor: “We and our police are close to drowning”

Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Second Time Drugs Found on Dutch Marine Ship
A few days ago an inspection of the marine ship, Johan de
Witt, in the harbor of Den Helder, found eleven kilo of drugs, most probably
cocaine. Last month on the same ship, a
23-year old Dutch mariner was also arrested with 11 kilo of drugs.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Privacy Problems at many Dating Sites
The consumer organization Consumentenbond has investigated
ten dating sites. They came to the conclusion that 8 of them transgress the
privacy law. Only one of the ten has a complete privacy declaration. All the
others are very vague about the issue.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Dutch Jewish Family terrorized for Twenty Years
A Jewish family living in the village Hippolytushoef has
been subjected for twenty years with, almost daily, terror. The Schmidt family has
five children. Some have been called “dirty Jews” and have also been told that
all Jews should be gassed. The police is inactive and does not investigate the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Indications that Dutch Banks Whitewashed Major Drug Money
The police suspect a Bosnian Dutch drug cartel of
whitewashing drug money on a major scale via Dutch banks. Experts on whitewashing claim that the banks
and a notary in the town of Breda should have investigated these transactions. The lawyer of the suspects said that all
transactions were legal.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
At least 70 killed by Dutch Bombing Attack in Iraq in 2015
The Pentagon in the United States has confirmed that seventy
civilians have been killed in 2015 by a Dutch bombing in Iraq of an ISIS bomb factory.
Witnesses say that far more were killed and 23 children have been killed. There
are also hundreds of wounded.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Health Authorities: Plans to prevent Climate Increase possibly dangerous
The Dutch local Health Authorities (GGD) have written to the
minister of climate, Eric Wiebes, that there are many risks in the building of
energy windmills, biomass centers and plans for sustainability increase of
houses. This was a reaction of the regional authorities on the Dutch national
climate plan which lists the sustainability plans of the government until 2030.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Dutchman Part of International Cartel dominating Cocaine Market
According to the police the Dutch criminal Ridouan Taghi is
part of a huge cartel which, together with members of the Italian, Irish and
Bosnian mafia, dominates a large part of the European Cocaine market. Taghi is
being searched by the Dutch authorities because of several underworld murders. The
Dutch prosecution thinks that he lives in Dubai where also other members of the
cartel are probably living.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Three Policemen wounded in Turkish-Kurdish Fight in Rotterdam

Thursday, October 10, 2019
Solving Racism and Discrimination in Police Force will take more than 5 years
Unrest about racism and discrimination in the national
police continues. These problems cannot
be solved within 5 years, says Liesbeth Huyzer - a member of the Dutch Police
leadership. Apparently in one police
office in The Hague, there is a group of policemen who pretend to be exterminators
of Moroccans.
Monday, October 7, 2019
After Damning Report Major of The Hague resigns
Pauline Krikke, major of The Hague, has resigned after a highly critical
report about her failure to act when fires, alighted on the occasion of New Year’s
Eve, led to huge problems.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Leading Italian Mafia Expert: London and Amsterdam most corrupt cities
Saviano is a leading Italian mafia expert and highly successful author. He says London and Amsterdam are the two most
corrupt cities he has ever seen. He
explains that it is not corruption at street level, nor are the politicians or
the policemen corrupt like in Naples or Largos.
Rather it is the Dutch financial system which whitewashes the criminal
money that is the most corrupt.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Environment Organization: Many flights At Amsterdam Airport Are Illegal
Johan Vollenbroek, chairman of the Environmental
Organization Mobilization for the Environment (MOB) says that Schiphol,
Amsterdam Airport, operates already many years without environmental permits.
After the report of the organization Mr. Vollenbroek says that lawyers say that
the number of flights has to decrease greatly. The airport claims that it does
not need a permit. Vollenbroek has complained to Dutch ministries and will
complain at the European Commission in Brussels.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Amsterdam Entrepreneur asks Green Left voters to refrain from visiting his stores
Amsterdam store owner, Gideon Italiaander has asked on his
personal facebook page that people who voted for the Green Left party refrain from visiting his stores. In Amsterdam, 24% of the population vote for this left wing
party and the Mayor Femke Halsema is a former leader of the party. Italiaander says that the Green Left municipality
mainly hinders those who exercise an honest profession while the
municipality does not deal with criminals.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Eight Minutes of Extreme Antisemitic Hatred on Dutch Public Radio
On a radio show on Dutch Public Radio (NPO) which invites
call-ins, a recent subject was ‘Children have too many obligations.’ One of the callers said that children were ‘injected
with all kinds of poison.’ This came
from ‘avaricious Jewish scum.’ He added, “These people have to be exterminated
worldwide because we are in a downward spiral.”
The presenter, Morad El Ouakili, did not disconnect the caller but said
that he did not totally understand the caller . He also let the same caller speak another time in
which the caller said that all Jews should be exterminated. El Ouakili said that on the app of the
program there were a lot of reactions from people who agreed with the
caller a thousand percent. The antisemitic remarks went on for 8 minutes.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Dutch government annuls cancellation of passports of 5 Jihadists
Five jihadists whose Dutch nationality had been revoked previously were given their passports back. The council of
state had earlier already decided that jihadists who left for Syria before the
groups they joined were named forbidden organizations in the Netherlands should
not have their passports revoked. All
five also have Moroccan nationality.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Dutch Police Policy enables drug criminality
In a detailed analysis of drug criminality in the Netherlands,
the daily Trouw said that it has been the Dutch police policy to
concentrate its efforts on crimes that the public complain about. This means that the heads of drug criminality are not persecuted. Thus, the
Netherlands became the leading drug country in Europe. The Minister of Justice Grapperhaus said that "we have allowed drug criminality to thrive."
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Murder of Lawyer Attacks Essence of State of Law
Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema (Green Left) reacted to the murder
of lawyer Derk Wiersum. She said that it
was an unprecedented attack on the legal profession which assails the essence
of the state of law. She added that for
police and the prosecution, finding the perpetrator is of the highest
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Lawyer of Witness in Important Process Killed
Early this morning the lawyer, Derk Wiersum, was killed in
Amsterdam. He was the lawyer of Nabil
B., the main witness against a group of people including Ridouan Tagih, the
leading criminal wanted by the Netherlands. In 2018 Nabil’s brother, Reduan, was
murdered. Various parliamentarians want
clarification from the Minister of Justice, Ferdinand Grapperhaus, about the
threats against the lawyer and security for him. This was the first murder of a lawyer in the
Netherlands since 2004.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Many Judges hide additional Activities
Dutch Judges are allowed to have additional activities
outside the court. Yet, they are legally obliged to publish those in a special
register. Dutch researcher Paul Ruijs has identified a number of judges who do
not do so. Furthermore, the heads of courts, decided in 2013 that courses by
judges to train lawyers to improve their pleading before courts, are undesirable.
Nevertheless Ruijs found a number of judges who were offering these services among
which a those who do not not registering them in the special register.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
European Central Bank Policies Endanger Dutch Pensions
Various Dutch parliamentarians including from the majority
parties, consider that the policy of the European Central Bank to reduce the
interest rate and continue to buy outstanding loans from countries will create increasing
problems for Dutch pension funds and thus for people who hold pensions.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
State Pays Costs of Kings’ Palaces Twice
The NRC daily has found that for many years the state has
been paying twice for the costs of maintenance of palace furniture. The government had bought this
inventory between 1982-2009 from the House of Orange. The government committed to maintain the
furniture at its cost. Nevertheless, the annual grant by the government to the
royal family was never reduced so the state has been paying twice for this maintenance. Parliament was never informed
about these transactions.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Fifty radical Islamic Muslim Schools incite
Research by the media Nieuwsuur and the daily NRC about 50
radical Islamic Muslim schools in the Netherlands. They found that children
participating in the courses after school time and in the weekend are for
instance told that non-Muslims should be put to death. The Liberal Party and
the Christian Union, both government parties, want the Inspectorate for Education
to investigate whether in these schools children are taught to negate Dutch
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