Hanneke Ekelmans, head of operations
of the Amsterdam police, says that the police requires additional legal support
in order to prevent criminals from murdering each other. It should be possible, she says, that criminals
who are the targets of violence be kept from the streets much like mentally
disturbed people. She added that not
only are the police charged with the task of preventing murder but of ensuring
a safe environment for all citizens. In
recent killings, bullets hit buildings and cars of innocent people. Ekelmans concluded that, “it is very
frustrating that we can do so little.”
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Disclosure: In 1951, Jewish Children Kept Out of Classes Attended by Dutch Princesses
Historian Bart Wallet has found in
the archives of the Dutch Jewish community (NIK) that in 1951, Jewish children
were not permitted to attend classes where two of the then-Queen Juliana’s
daughters went to school. The Jewish
community at the time checked the matter.
It turned out that the initiative wasn’t taken by the Queen, but by the school
principal. The Queen knew about it, however,
and did not react. Wallet explained that
the Dutch environment after the war was so unpleasant and problematic for the
Jewish community that its leaders decided not to go public with the scandal.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Politicians Threaten Police Unions with Court Case
Minister of Security and Justice Ard
van der Steur, together with Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb, have asked the
police unions to cancel their planned “go-slow action” against the Tour de
France, which starts next week in the Netherlands. They have warned the unions
that if they continue with their plans, they will be taken to court. One of the
planned actions is a major traffic control on the publicity caravan, which
drives ahead of the cyclists.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Government Fails in Regard to the Mentally Troubled
The Hoekstra Commission has investigated
and concluded that the police, the public prosecution and mental healthcare
officials have failed in assessing the danger that mentally troubled people can
cause to society. The Commission says that it is urgent that the situation be
improved. It investigated what went
wrong with handling the mentally troubled individual who is now suspected of
having murdered both former Deputy Prime Minister Els Borst as well as his own
Friday, June 26, 2015
Military Serving Abroad Are Increasingly in Need of Help
The National Broadcasting
Organization, or NOS, says that one can learn from data which the Minister of
Defense has sent to parliament that the Dutch military, which fulfill missions
abroad, have problems at levels which continue to increase. In 2014, a total of 1,668 complaints were
received as against 1,258 complaints received in 2013. The Minister of Defense
supposes that this is due to the opening of a special service for veterans.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Vacations for Caregivers of Family Members Increasingly Difficult

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Twenty-five Percent of Dutch Employees Stay at Home During Vacation
The NIBUD institute has found that
an increasing number of Dutch employees stay at home during the summer
vacation. They cannot afford to go on
holiday elsewhere. In 2012, only 18%
stayed home. Of those with low income, 20% do not even make day-trips within
the Netherlands due to lack of funds.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Dutch Cutbacks on Subsidies for the Elderly Will Hit Holocaust Survivors
The planned reduction of subsidies
for the care of the elderly, to take place later on this year, will hit Holocaust
survivors particularly hard. The idea
behind the cutbacks is that they will force family members to become more involved
and take greater responsibility. Many holocaust
survivors have no family members. An article
in the daily AD mentions that in the small Jewish old age home in the
Hague, there are only six such people.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Director of National Lottery Expresses Regret
Frans van Steenis, the director of
the national lottery, has expressed his regrets about his company’s unclear
communication policies in the past. One
of the issues he referred to was the judgement of the Dutch Supreme Court which
said that the organization had purposely misled the public between 2000 and 2008. The Supreme Court ruled that the national lottery
had made misleading statements regarding the chances for players to win, the
number of prizes won, and the value of the prizes. http://www.volkskrant.nl/economie/staatsloterij-biedt-excuses-aan-voor-ontstane-onrust~a4058769/
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Minister of Defense: Dutch Army Has to Learn to Fight Again
Minister of Defense Jeanine Hennis
(Liberal Party) has written to the Dutch parliament, claiming that the Dutch military will
have to learn to fight again. The
government will have to supply additional funds to the Defense Department so that it
can buy munitions and spare parts. Thereafter, the military can follow an
intensive training program and prepare themselves to fight, for instance,
well-trained Russian soldiers. Over the years, the Netherlands has reduced its
artillery and abolished its two tank battalions. It has also sold the heavy fighting vehicles
of two other battalions and replaced them with Jeeps. Most Dutch helicopters
are unable to fly in areas where an enemy would have anti-aircraft missiles set in place.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Prosecution Department Can No Longer Improve Its Effectiveness

Friday, June 19, 2015
Police Commissioner: Killings in the Amsterdam Turkish Underworld are Worrisome
Chief Commissioner of the Amsterdam police, Pieter-Jaap
Aalbersberg, has said that the conflicts within the Amsterdam Turkish underworld
are worrisome. He added that this is not only a concern for Amsterdam, because
killings also take place elsewhere in the Netherlands and in Istanbul. Aalbersberg said that besides the Turkish
killings, there are also two other types of killings in Amsterdam: those related to Moroccans, concerning a load
of cocaine which has disappeared, and those related to the older Dutch criminal
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Manufacturer of High-Speed Trains: Dutch Railways are Incompetent
Maurizio Manfellotto, the CEO of the Italian Ansaldo
firm which built the high-speed Fyra trains, has appeared before the Dutch
parliamentary inquiry committee. He said that NSFSC (the daughter company of
the Dutch state railways, NS) which ordered the Fyra trains was totally
incompetent and uncooperative. Manfellotto added that there was far too little
time to test the trains. He added that
the problems which occurred and caused the withdrawal of the trains’ use were
due to poor maintenance by NS.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Dutch Banks Have Fifty-Five Billion Euros’ Worth of Problematic Loans
The auditing firm PwC has found that the Dutch
banking sector has fifty-five billion euros’ worth of problematic loans on the
books. Of these non-performing loans,
four billion euros’ worth are held by the six largest Dutch banks. The banks have created a provision of 48% on
these loans and are trying to sell these loans at reduced prices.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Board of State Railways Tried to Prevent Parliamentary Inquiry
At the beginning of 2013, the board of the Dutch state
railways, NS, tried to prevent a parliamentary inquiry about the failure of the
high speed Fyra trains. This became
public when the temporary chairman of NS, Engelhardt Robbe, appeared before the
parliamentary inquiry commission. One of the commission’s members, Ton Elias
(Labor), quoted a confidential report of a meeting where Robbe was present. Elias
asked, “is it acceptable that a company tries to prevent such an inquiry?” Robbe said that he didn’t remember the
Monday, June 15, 2015
Dutch Government Delays Publication of Study about Muslim Anti-Semitism
Minister of Social Affairs Asscher
(Labor) has delayed the publication of a study of anti-Semitism among Muslim
youth in the Netherlands. He wants to “investigate in greater depth the results”
before publishing them. From leaked information it became known that 62% of the
Muslim youth “do not think very positively about Israel.” Among them, 12% hate
Jews, and the percentage is higher among the Turkish immigrant community than
among Moroccans.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Defense for Children: Netherlands Violates International Agreements
In 2014, the Netherlands was condemned by the European
Court for Human Rights in a case where it had not given a woman from Surinam a
permit to stay in the Netherlands in order to be able to take care of her
children, who have Dutch nationality.
The organization Defense for Children says that there are probably
thousands of similar cases where the Netherlands doesn’t give residence permits
to foreign parents of Dutch children in the Netherlands. This is a violation of international
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Conflicts Increasing between Parents and Schools
Friday, June 12, 2015
Bailiffs Receive Suspicious Letters from “ISIS”
In the Hague
and Amsterdam, various bailiffs’ offices have received letters containing a
powder which have been signed by “ISIS” and “Islamic Caliphate”. The letters say that the bailiffs should stop
their work because they take money and goods away from poor people, which is
forbidden by the Holy Koran. The letters
claim that its contents are heavily contaminated with radioactive material from
the supplies of the Syrian army. The police have no clue regarding the origins
of the letters but do not believe they were sent by ISIS. The powder seems innocuous. The Royal Association of Court Bailiffs is
worried about the increasing aggression toward its members.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
All Dutch Embassies Warned About Mohammed Cartoons to be Televised
Wilders, the leader of the Dutch Freedom Party, intends to use the party’s
television time over the coming weeks to show cartoons about Mohammed. These
cartoons were made during a drawing contest in Texas, where Wilders had spoken.
Shortly thereafter, two men opened fire on the participants. The two terrorists
were killed. In order to prevent
anti-Dutch actions in Muslim countries, the Dutch Foreign Office has sent
instructions to 140 diplomatic representations abroad. The Dutch want to avoid endangering the safety
of their citizens or the boycotting of their companies abroad.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Valet Service at Amsterdam Airport Abuses Clients’ Cars
Groeten van Max television program has reported that employees at two valet
services at Schiphol Airport abuse their clients’ cars for their own
purposes. One example shown was of a
client who returned from holiday and found that his car had a hundred more km
in the meter than when he left. Another
client received a high fine for speeding while his car was supposed to have
been parked. An employee was found to
have used a client’s car to bring other clients to and from the airport. Yet other employees used clients’ cars to go
to restaurants or sports events. The
valet companies’ owner does not want to take responsibility for the incidents,
as he says that these incidents rarely happen.
However, he claimed that the employees in question will be dismissed.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Former Dutch Minister Lobbied for Libyan Businessman with Ties to Gaddafi
The Dutch
prosecutor’s office has seized the belongings of a Libyan businessman who is
suspected of having removed 28.5 million euro from Libyan state funds. An investigation is underway. Former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Ben
Bot has intervened on behalf of the Libyan who had close ties to the late
dictator Muammar Gaddafi. It has become
known that Bot received payment for his involvement. Bot says that he had
checked and that the Libyan could not be blamed for any wrongdoing. Bot
received the assignment to lobby on behalf of the Libyan from the wife of the
former British Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg. She works for a London law firm which advises
the Libyan businessman.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Chief Executive of Dutch Railways Forced to Resign after Scandal

Sunday, June 7, 2015
Groningen: Bombs Explode Near Supermarkets
Yesterday, there
was an explosion near a supermarket of the Jumbo chain in Groningen, yet the
police could not find anything. A few
days ago, a bomb exploded in another branch of the same chain. A month ago a
bomb was found near yet another branch but it did not detonate. The police
think that since the bomb-laying took place at night, the perpetrators’ goal is
not to harm people but rather to cause damage.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Quality Inspector Warned Dutch Railways about Problematic High Speed Trains
A number of high
speed Fyra trains were commissioned for use by the Dutch and Belgian railways. A quality control inspector of Lloyd’s Register Europe sent the Dutch
railways, NS, a weekly report regarding many problematic issues with the trains. Both NS and AnsaldoBreda, the Italian
manufacturer, were informed that while the trains were properly designed, there
were many faulty aspects regarding their assembly. When the trains were sent to the Netherlands,
there were still hundreds of problems with them. At the time, the implementation of the project
had already been delayed for five years. The trains were taken out of service after only forty days in use, and
returned to the manufacturer, never to be used again in the Netherlands.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Top Management of Dutch Railways Knew About Spying Concerning Competitor
The Dutch authority
which supervises monopolies, ACM, has written an extremely negative report
about the Dutch railways. It says that the
top management of the state-owned Dutch railways, NS, has broken the law by
spying on a competitor in a bid to obtain the concession for bus and train
services in the province of Limburg. It concerns a project worth 2 billion euro,
which is to take place from 2016-2031. The president of NS has admitted that
the law has been broken.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Dutch Windmills at Risk of Falling Apart
Owners of
windmills in the Netherlands are short 5 million euro per year, which is what
is needed to maintain and restore the windmills. These results are from a report conducted by
the mill owners’ organization. Close to
200 owners of windmills have been interviewed about issues such as finance, structure
and various uses of their mills. All in
all, there are 1,200 wind and water mills in the Netherlands.
Nationalizing the Police System has Failed
years after restructuring the regional police forces into a national unit, the
project is in poor state. There is a
shortage of competent managers, the computer system is not functioning well,
and the percentage of sick leave has increased. The costs of the reorganization
have doubled from original estimates to 460 million euro. In the initial period after the restructuring,
the percentage of cases which have been solved also declined.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Sexual Discrimination in Dutch Academia
academics are regularly the victims of sexual discrimination. Four female professors at Leiden University
have launched a website with information and advice about sexual
discrimination. They have published a
document which mentions how male academics obtain promotions but female
academics in the same circumstances are refused promotions. Pregnant female academics are being asked
whether abortion is an option, or whether they haven’t heard of contraceptive
Monday, June 1, 2015
Tax Authorities Helped Post Delivery Company to Avoid Paying Taxes
The Dutch
postal delivery service, PostNL, has admitted that it had a secret deal with
the Dutch tax authorities from 2011 to 2013, which allowed the company to avoid
paying social security and pension premiums, as well as sick leave and holiday
pay. The employees were deemed
freelancers even though they only had one employer. The Volkskrant daily estimates that, in
this way, the company saved 15 million euros. The tax authorities refuse to
comment on these claims. Labor MP John
Kerstens has asked Junior Finance Minister Eric Wiebes to clarify the
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