The Dutch police have
arrested three people – two men and a woman – suspected of recruiting jihadis
for the Middle East. With the help of
the German police, two of them were arrested in southern Germany. All three are suspected of inciting terrorist
crimes. The two men are also suspected
of planning murders with a terrorist aim.
These crimes can carry sentences of up to ten years in jail. The person arrested in the Netherlands is the
convert to Islam, Rudolph Holierhoek. He receives
social security from the Dutch authorities.
Holierhoek has been jailed in the past for the manslaughter of his young
daughter and has been a member of the Islamic University in the Netherlands. The other arrested man, Abu Moussa, has stated on public television that he supports the Islamic State Movement (ISIS).
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Police takes Passport away from 10 Members of Jihadi-families

Friday, August 29, 2014
AIVD Intelligence Service is Losing Track of jihadis
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Advisor of the Anti-Black Pete Movement Quits Due to Death Threats

Frank King, the legal advisor
of the anti-Black Pete movement, is quitting due to intimidation. He has
received death threats and hate mail but has also been personally threatened in
many other ways. His parents are originally from Surinam. King reported that one mail said that “I
should have been put on a 17th century slave ship, just like my
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Black Pete Debate: The Call to Boycott Dutch Hema Chain Stores
The Black Pete debate, which
has taken a central place in the Netherlands for well over a year, continues to
smolder. The Hema chain stores have
decided to adapt their packaging for the national children’s holiday of
Sinterklaas of December 5. From next
year on, they will not include the figure of Black Pete on their packaging. Many social media users, however, are calling for a
boycott of the stores as they want to preserve this major Dutch tradition.
Dutch Jihadist Had Leading Position in Foley’s Jail
The Belgian jihadist, Jejoen
Bentinck, has stated that the jail where the decapitated American journalist James
Foley was imprisoned had a Dutchman among its leading wardens. The exact role of the Dutch jihadi, who is reputed
to have trained as an engineer in the Netherlands, is not known. Bentinck was jailed there for some time as
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Man Made Hitler Salute in Front of Police Officer and Was Not Arrested

Monday, August 25, 2014
A Hundred Employees of the Ministry of Defense Claim Sickness Due to Exposure to Carcinogenic Material

A hundred former employees of
the Ministry of Defense who are extremely sick have contacted lawyers in order
to sue the government. They say that while
working in the workshops of the Ministry, they were exposed to chrome-6, a
poisonous material which causes cancer. A
1999 report of a government institution, the Arbodiens, already concluded,
however, that employees had been in contact with chrome-6. In June, Minister of
Defense Hennis said that there are no concrete indications that employees have
been exposed to high concentrations of any dangerous materials. The Ministry maintains this position until
today, but has started an investigation.
Minister Asscher: After Years of Neglect, We Will Deal With Hate Imams
Deputy Prime Minister
Lodewijk Asscher says that the Netherlands has given little attention to hate
Imams in recent years. Only when Rita
Verdonk was a minister, from 2003-2007, was there greater attention given to
the problem. She had, on some occasions,
refused travel documents and expelled Imams from the Netherlands. Asscher says
that the government will soon present a program to deal more efficiently with
Muslim extremism. He added that “we will
make the work of Hate Imams difficult, and where possible, stop it”.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Replacement for High Speed Train Also Poor Performer
The Dutch railways have had to
cancel the high speed train service due to the poor performance of the Fyra
trains. It now has become apparent that its
much slower replacement, Intercity Direct, also falls short of requirements. Data show that the train service is very often
cancelled or has substantial delays. An
expert service says that it is unlikely that the service will improve in the
coming years.
Amsterdam: Police Can No Longer Pay Overtime to Police Detectives

Amsterdam police detectives
have been told that the funds to pay their overtime for 2014 have been
exhausted. In 2015, no overtime will be
paid whatsoever. The anger of the police
is so great that arrest and observation teams have threatened to strike. As overtime can no longer be paid, detectives
who have worked extra hours will have to be compensated by days off. This will lead to a major shortage of police
presence and detective capacity. There
are also several other detective units outside the capital who are in the same
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Argentina: Two Billion Dollar Claim Against Rabobank

Netherlands: Little Material Available to Send to Kurds

Friday, August 22, 2014
The Hague: Jews Want to Leave Neighborhood Due to Anti-Semitic Incidents

Minister of Justice: The Glorification of Violence is not Punishable

Damage from Russian Sanctions to the Netherlands: One and a Half billion Euro

Terror Groups Financed Through the Netherlands

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Opposition Leader: Government is Like Rabbit Caught in the Headlights
Christian Democrat Party
Leader Buma says that the government is far too slow in dealing with the
radicalization of Muslim youngsters. He
added, “the cabinet is like a rabbit caught in the headlights, waiting for what
is coming”. Buma observed, “ISIS, the
returning jihadis, and the youth becoming radicalized in the Schilderswijk (Painter’s
Neighborhood of the Hague), all these together are the greatest threat to
national safety”. He thinks that the
cabinet has to make the glorification of terrorist acts punishable by law. The authorities only show doubt. Mayors who are confronted with pro-ISIS demonstrations
are not supported by the government and are rendered powerless against them. This
strengthens the ISIS supporters even more. PVV party leader, Geert Wilders,
says that the government officials drink tea together but have never heard of
the hard fight against terror. He remarked, “It is scandalous, irresponsible,
and life-threatening. The poisonous ISIS
snake has to be cut from our society”.
Internationally Known Dutch Jihadi Killed

According to Kurdish sources,
Dutch Jihadist Khalid K. has been killed near Mosul, Iraq. He operated under
the name Abu Abdelrehman al Iraki. He became internationally known when he
posted pictures of himself on the internet, holding up a severed head. In the
Netherlands, Khalid K. regularly frequented the Abou Bakr Assadik mosque in his
home town of Almere. He was put under surveillance by AIVD, the Dutch
intelligence service, and in 2011 was arrested as a terrorism suspect. After
fourteen days, Khalid K. was freed. Thereafter, he departed for Syria, where he
initially joined Juhbat al Nusra, and then subsequently joined ISIS.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Second Rabobank Employee Admits Guilt in Major Fraud

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Chief Rabbi Needs Constant Police Protection
Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs has declared in local paper,
AD/Amersfoortse Courant, of August 8th, that he needs almost constant police protection. He says that he can no longer take the train
and is continuously insulted, nor can he go to the shopping center in his
neighborhood because groups of youth harass him. In the middle of July, three heavy stones were
thrown through his windows. A few days later, another effort was made to throw
three rocks through his windows. Jacobs
says that this has so far not been publicized.
The damage is still visible in his home.
He added that his home is secured with cameras. The rabbi said that
various Jews from Utrecht have told them that they are afraid of the upcoming
anti-Israeli demonstrations. The
municipality in Utrecht foresees no specific problems and will not provide additional police
presence for the demonstration.
The Hague: Mayor Remains on Holiday, Despite Riots and Violence
“The riots in the Schilderswijk in the Hague are
unacceptable”, said Minister of Safety and Justice, Ivo Opstelten (Liberal
Party). However, the Mayor, Jozias van Aartsen,
remains on holiday, so there was no declaration from the municipality on this
issue. De Telegraaf lists the many incidents in the “international town of
peace and justice”: psychiatric patients were bullied out of the neighborhood,
fans of the terror organization ISIS dream of establishing a Caliphate in the
neighbhorhood, there is open Jew-hatred, violence is perpetrated against journalists
and demonstrators, and now there are also extreme rightist slogans that appear. The municipality, however, remains largely
The Hague: Muslim Stone Throwers Disturb Anti-ISIS Protest

Rotterdam Jews Afraid After Threats From the Streets

Monday, August 11, 2014
At Anti-Israel Demonstration, Leftist Shouted Down After Condemning Hamas
A thousand people
demonstrated against Israel in Utrecht on Sunday, in the pouring rain. The Green Left parliamentarian, Judith Sargentini,
could not finish her speech after she had condemned Hamas. From the public, pro-Hamas slogans were
shouted until she was forced to step down. Throughout and to the very end of the demonstration,
there were pro-Hamas shouts. Sargentini later tweeted that she had also
wanted to condemn Israel, but had been interrupted before she had gotten the
chance to do so. [Comment: As if that was relevant for the Dutch supporters
of the Islamo-Nazi movement.]
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Moroccan Youths Taught How to Pester Police
The Aknarij West Foundation in Amsterdam teaches Moroccan youngsters how to pester the police. They get various tips for this behavior during
a course called “Rights of the Street”. This is the conclusion of a study by the
Liberal Party in the Municipal Council of Amsterdam. Council member Rik Tom has said that the
Foundation presents the police as an enemy. The Foundation is subsidized by the Amsterdam
Municipality. In response, Aknarij West
says that it doesn’t allocate public funds for this particular course.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Laptop of Senior Irish Policeman found in Amsterdam Brothel

Friday, August 8, 2014
Russian Boycott Stops Dutch Trucks
In the past two days, seventy to
eighty trucks with Dutch vegetables and fruit have been turned back at the
Russian border, due to that country’s boycott of these products from the EU. Another
70-80 trucks did not even depart. This was said by Gert Mulder of the professional
organization GroentenFruitHuis. He could not yet estimate the damage but it
will be major, the more so as the boycott is meant to last for a year. Mulder
also remarked that about ten Dutch exporters only sell to Russia and now have
no business left.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Ukrainian Separatist Leader: “Dutch Sexually Abuse Eastern Ukrainian Prisoners”
Igor Strelkov is the leader
of the Separatists in the “Popular Republic of Donetsk”. He is also the main
suspect in the shooting down of a Malaysian aircraft, a crime that killed all
passengers, nearly 300 people. On the
Russian version of Facebook, he claims that the Dutch government collaborates
with the Ukrainian government in maintaining brothels. Separatist prisoners are forced to offer
sexual services, and if they refuse, they are tortured, raped, and die from
hunger. He adds that in Slaviansk, kindergartens have been turn into homosexual
brothels. According to Strelkov, the Netherlands collaborates in these horrors
with Germany, Belgium, and the Ukrainian “Fascist” government.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Prime minister: Too dangerous to search for Remnants of Plane Crash Victims
Prime Minister Mark Rutte has
said that it is too dangerous to continue to search for remnants of the
passengers of the Malaysian plane which was shot down in the Eastern part of
the Ukraine. Almost 200 Dutch people were killed as well as about a hundred
others. A small team will remain at the location of the disaster. Rutte said that
it is likely to be unsafe for same time to continue the mission. One could
understand from his words that fear for a Russian invasion into Ukraine also
played a role in the decision to halt the mission.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Four People Arrested at Pro-Gaza Demonstration

Monday, August 4, 2014
Council of State Doesn’t Believe Intelligence Service

The Council of State is the
highest Dutch judicial authority. It has
stated that the general intelligence service, AIVD, must intensify its efforts
in locating files about the Dutch army captain, Raymond Westerling, and the
revolution he led in 1950 against the Indonesian government of President
Sukarno. A Dutch historian had raised
the issue as he wanted to write a book about Westerling and was informed that
all that would be available to him was a single document of 11 pages, only part
of it which he would be allowed to read. The historian says that a book about
the intelligence service mentions a file consisting of 12 parts. The book also
mentions a letter, dated 1956, from the police stating that Westerling is being
closely watched.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Chief Rabbi: Jewish Families Want to Leave the Netherlands
An increasing number of
Jewish families want to leave the Netherlands because of the rise in
anti-Semitism. They feel unsafe and are
being threatened and insulted on the streets.
This was said by Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, in the television program,
Een Vandaag. He specifically quoted a Jewish individual who said, “My parents
have suffered enough. Should I also
suffer?” Jacobs said that he himself also wonders whether or not it is safe for
him to remain in the Netherlands. He
has, however, come to the conclusion that he has to stay - because the captain is
the last one to leave the ship.
Amsterdam Woman Assaulted for Displaying Israeli Flag
A woman was assaulted for
displaying an Israeli flag from her balcony in east Amsterdam. The men who perpetuated this crime called her
a bloody Jew. She suffered a concussion,
fractured ribs, and contusions to her face. The criminals also threw a burning stick at
her, and hit her in the stomach. The
woman sprayed her attackers with red paint from a can she had been carrying
with her, as she had received threats in the past by men who said that they
would slit her throat. Police have been
stationed outside her home to protect her.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Hundreds of Moroccans Involved in Murders

Museum Director: Amsterdam Dirty, Sordid and too Full
Wim Pijbes, director of the
Rijksmuseum (National Museum) in Amsterdam, has written an open letter to the
daily NRC Handelsblad. In it he says that Amsterdam is becoming ‘dirty, sordid
and too full.’ He proposes an end to the illegal short-term rentals of rooms
and the abuses concerning prostitution. Pijbes called the collection of
domestic refuse in the city center and museum district ‘medieval.’ He
added that even in the richest neighborhoods of Amsterdam, the refuse bags break open
and the garbage is being eaten by gulls, rats and vermin.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Parliamentarian Threatened by Moroccans Runs for his Life

Jewish Businessmen Hire Bodyguards

Fifteen to twenty leading
Jewish business men have hired personal bodyguards due to threats. Roland Kahn, the owner of the fashion chain
Cool Cat, has told the media about the many threats he has received. “I am not only called a dirty Jew, and
threatened with death, but my shops have also become a target. My daughter, who lives in the United States,
and my girlfriend, who has a Muslim background, are also threatened. A number of Moroccan employees are threatened,
as well, because they work for me”.
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