In some Dutch media, a discussion
has started on a phenomenon called, “Gangster Islam”. The psychologist, Timon Dias, writes that the
synthesis between criminality, street life and Islamic religion is a unique
European phenomenon. One of its
characteristics is that its members are criminals with a Muslim background who are
not very religious, yet see themselves as part of the Muslim community. However criminal they are, they will never say
anything negative about Islam. The Muslim
ex-politician, Ibrahim Wijbenga, who warns of the growing influence of the Gangster-Islam,
points out that many of the jihadis and the young Muslim extremists have a
criminal past. Wijbenga has often been
threatened with physical violence, and has had to have police protection.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Simon Wiesenthal Center Shocked by Hague Mayor Looking Away from Anti-Semitism

Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director
of International Relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, has written to the
mayor of The Hague, Jozias van Aartsen, to express his shock that the mayor has
allowed two extreme anti-Semitic demonstrations in his town, where calls for
the murder of Jews were made .[A petition which wants van Aartsen to resign
reached, at noon today, already 16,500 signatures.]
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Chief Rabbi Complains about Lack of Reactions of Churches Against Anti-Semitism

Monday, July 28, 2014
Dutch Jihadist Shows Picture with Severed Heads
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Thousands of Dutch Jews Suffer Anti-Semitism These Days
The conflict between Israel
and Hamas has led to many threats against Dutch Jews. According to a source which deals with the
safety of Jewish citizens in south Amsterdam, cars are vandalized with
swastikas. Jewish families have removed
the mezuzah – a roll of parchment which makes them identifiable as Jews –
from their doorposts, in order to avoid becoming targets of violence. The number of Jews who suffer from
anti-Semitism in their environment is in the thousands. Dennis Mok, the chairman of a security
company, says that it provides security to 40 Jewish businesses and
institutions. He recommends that all those who suffer from anti-Semitism should
complain to the police.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Dutch Mayor Wants Putin’s Daughter Deported from The Netherlands

Pieter Broertjes, Mayor of Hilversum,
said on the radio that he wanted 29-year-old Maria Putin, the daughter of the
Russian President, thrown out of The Netherlands where she lives with her
Dutch boyfriend. This is because of the
Dutch frustration with Russia concerning the major plane crash in Ukraine,
where a large number of Dutch were killed. Broertjes later apologized on
Twitter, saying that his remarks were not wise and stemmed from a feeling of
helplessness. [Broertjes, in the past, was the editor-in-chief of the Dutch
daily, Volkskrant.]
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Dutch Papers Refrain from Reporting About Nazi Criminal Posters at Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations in Amsterdam

Major Dutch papers have not
reported that at the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Amsterdam there were
illegal flags. The site below shows
pictures taken at the demonstration, which show banners with swastikas, posters
which say “Jews are like Hitler”, and “Jews are Murderers and Commit a New
Holocaust”, and a flag of the Palestinian terror organization, the PFLP. A leading Dutch quality paper, NRC, quoted
the police as saying, “there were no illegal signs or symbols”. [Earlier, the
Dutch state television had to admit that it had intentionally deleted similar
banners from its report on pro-Palestinian demonstration in The Hague.]
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Hague: Municipal Council Member asks Allah for a tsunami over Israel

Monday, July 21, 2014
Provincial Liberal Party Criticizes Its Own Minister
Mieke Geeraedts, the faction
chairperson of the Liberal Party in the provincial assembly of Brabant, has
criticized the Minister of Security and Justice, Ivo Opstelten, who is a member
of her own party. The Minister refuses
to send additional police to the province in order to fight drug-related crime.
Other liberal politicians have also criticized
the Minister on the same issue.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Mothers of Srebrenica Say Condemnation of the Netherlands Not Severe Enough

Thursday, July 17, 2014
Great Increase in Complaints About Anti-Semitism

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The Dutch Public Television Hides Anti-Semitism at Anti-Israel Demonstration

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Former Parliamentarian: Netherlands should admit Dutch Mistakes in Srebrenica
Bert Bakker, former parliamentarian
of the left liberal D66 party and Chairman of the Parliamentary Inquiry
Commission on Srebrenica, has spoken at the national Srebrenica Memorial Day in
The Hague. He said that the Netherlands
has difficulty to admit its mistakes of the past. He added that we should recognize that in
addition to the faults of others, and despite our good intentions, we failed,
and we should accept responsibility. We
should recognize that we should apologize.
That should not only help the surviving family members, but also help to
come clean with our past.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Politicians Criticize Mayor of The Hague for Inaction during Anti-Israel Hate Demonstration
Progress Party Leader Geert
Wilders has said that the Mayor of The Hague, Jozias van Aartsen, has failed concerning
the anti-Israeli demonstration where swastikas were shown. He has put
parliamentary questions to the government. So has the Van Klaveren faction.
Christian Democrat Parliamentarian Van Toorenburg has criticized the Mayor as
well. Ester Voet, of the pro-Israel
lobby, CIDI, criticized the politicians which participated in the demonstration,
including the Labor Party politician, Fatima Elatik.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
The Hague: Swastikas and Jihad Flags at Anti-Israel Protest

Thursday, July 10, 2014
20,000 Complaints about Damage due to Gas Exploration

Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Many Elderly Feel Unsafe

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
General Dismissed because of ‘Undesirable Behavior’ toward Women

Monday, July 7, 2014
Jihadis call The Hague Jihadi City
Jihadis call The Hague Jihadi
City. With at least 200 members the group of radical Muslims in The Hague has
as many supporters as the extreme right in the entire Netherlands. After the
murder of Theo van Gogh in 2004 a Hague police team tried to arrest a radical
Muslim in the Hague. They had a handgranate thrown at them. Ten years later the
radical Muslims in The Hague are again in the news. From no other Dutch city
departed as many jihadis for Syria – 33 in total – as from The Hague. For
comparison: from Amsterdam about 10 jihadis went there.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
The Hague: Muslims Demonstrate in favor of ISIS Jihadi Movement
A group of forty radical
Muslim men has demonstrated in the Schilderswijk neighborhood in The Hague in
favor of the Isis Jihadi Movement in Iraq and Syria. They shouted slogans such
as “ISIS is the best” and covered their faces in order to avoid being
recognized. The demonstration also opposed the alleged police violence in poor
neighborhoods in The Hague.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Consumer Organization: Often Mistakes in Home Care
Workers in home care often do
not report on mistakes made, limit elderly people unnecessary in their freedom
and are negligent in dealing with medications. These are some of the
conclusions of the consumer organization Consumentenbond on the basis of 65
reports from the Health Inspectorate (IGZ) since 2102.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Defense Minister Removes Four Top Computer Systems Officials

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Dutch Jihadi Movement Bigger than Ever
Minister of Justice and Security, Ivo
Opstelten (Liberals) has said that the Dutch Jihadi
movement is bigger than ever. It forms an increasing threat for national
security. He wants to use all available means to fight the jihadists. Fourteen
Dutch jihadists have died in Syria in the last two years, which shows that
jihadism interests radicalized Islamist youths. According to the Dutch General
Intelligence Service, 130 Dutch people have traveled to Syria and about 30 have
returned in the meantime to the Netherlands.
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