Minister of justice Ferdinand Grapperhaus has said in
parliament that the man who attacked with a knife in an Amsterdam market two Jewish
colleagues had antisemitic motifs. This has earlier been denied by the
prosecution and the judges.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Imam verbally attacks Parliamentary Inquiry Commission
A parliamentary inquiry commission in the Netherlands investigates
the foreign financing of mosques. Imam Suhayb Salam of the alFitrah-mosque in
Utrecht appeared for it and accused the commission of discrimination. He said
to the parliamentarians: the law has given my rights and you are violating
them. He refused to stand and take the oath.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Dutch Train Conductor puts inappropriate Song about Jews on Train Loudspeaker
On a train leaving
at night from Tilburg to Rotterdam burg a train conductor put on a song saying “From
where come the Jews? From Israel, which is far away. Do also super Jews live there?
Do Jews like soccer? As long as they support Ajax.” Ajax is the leading Amsterdam
soccer club. A passenger on that train complained to NS, the National Dutch Railways
The Center for Information and Documentation Israel (CIDI) said that it was
painful and stupid that this happened in a train of the National Railways. “It
is unacceptable.” The NS finally offered
Monday, February 24, 2020
Polish Auschwitz Museum Reprimands Dutch Distributor for Selling Nazi Books
The Polish Auschwitz Memorial Museum has called on Amazon
and the Dutch distributor to stop immediately with the sale of “hate mongering,
horrible and antisemitic books.” These companies sell books of Nazi war criminals
Heinrich Himmler en Julius Streicher. understands the motifs of the
request but has replied that it will not withdraw the books from sale.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Minister: We Should Not Gloss Over Allied Killings of Dutch Citizens
Minister Ferdinand Grapperhaus of Justice said that he
cannot justify that the authorities remain silent about the mistaken bombardment
on February 22, 1944 by the Allied Forces of the Dutch town of Nijmegen in
which almost 800 civilians were killed.
He said so at the annual memorial for the massacre. He referred to the silence of the government
in London and later governments until the 21st century. He quoted Mark Twain, “The truth hurts. Silence
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The financial position of pension funds declines
As share markets decline, the big Dutch pension funds have
problems with covering their long-term commitments. The ABP, the large Dutch pension fund has
only 94 Euro cent for every Euro it owes to employees in future. The ABP says
that this is not only the result of the declining share markets, but also due
to the low interest rates.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Major Growth in Antisemitic Incidents in 2019
The CIDI organization publishes a Monitor of Antisemitic
Incidents every year. In 2019, the
number of antisemitic incidents was 35% higher than the 135 registered in 2018. This is the highest number registered in the
30 years that these statistics have existed.
CIDI says that the anti-Israel demonstrations at Dam Square in Amsterdam
very often lead to antisemitic expressions.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Iranian Hackers Attack Dutch Universities
In the past month Iranian hackers have attacked three Dutch
universities and another institute of higher education. This results from a
study by the accountancy office PwC according to the firm’s head of cyber
security Gerwin Naber. He says that Iran wants to have access to teaching
materials and knowledge from western countries. In the past two years attacks
have been prepared on hundreds of universities in 33 countries.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Despite 2014 promise, Dutch City Maintains Street signs of Israeli Cities as located in Palestine
In 2014, the Dutch city of Eindhoven agreed to change the location
of street names for Jerusalem, Nazareth and Tiberias from Palestinian where
they were falsely located to Israel. According to a spokesperson of the municipality
this has now been delayed indefinitely. The city claims that the reference to
Palestine was to “biblical Palestine.” This is nonsense because neither the
Hebrew Bible nor the Christian New Testament mentions the term Palestine.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Government Officials admit wrong calculations for greening houses
Officials from the government's Environmental Assessment Agency
(PBL), have admitted that the estimated costs of housing corporations for
making properties more energy efficient and gas free are too low. The real cost will be substantially
higher, more likely to be 40% to 50%.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Two Letter Bombs explode in The Netherlands
Two letter bombs have gone off in the Netherlands. One at
the ABN-Amro Bank post-sorting office in Amsterdam and another at a post-sorting
office in Kerkrade. No-one was injured. Police do not know if there is a link
to the letter bombs which were sent to companies and hotels in various towns at
the beginning of this year.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Terror expert: Mosques in Rotterdam and Amsterdam controlled by Muslim brothers

Monday, February 10, 2020
Wageningen University: Extreme Abuse against Chinese Students
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Deputy Minister: Immigration Should Be Reduced
Deputy Minister Mona Keijzer said that immigration into the
Netherlands has to be reduced. This statement
was in reaction to a study in the daily Telegraaf, which found that 65%
of the Dutch population want a limit on immigration. In addition, forty eight percent of people
with a non-western background were of this opinion. Deputy Prime Minister, Hugo de Jonge, said
that the problem is that free movement in the EU is so holy that we are barely
there to talk about it.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Majority of Amsterdam Women Suffer From Intimidation
A study has found that 51% of women in Amsterdam have
suffered from intimidation in the streets. Between the ages of 15-34 years, the
percentage is 81%. There is also a major increase of sexual intimidation and violence online. Mayor Femke Halsema
(Green Left) says that for a small group of women the situation in Amsterdam is
“really alarming and almost without perspective due to a negative spiral of abuse
and violence spread over several generations.”
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
More than half Moroccan Boys have committed Crimes
Fifty four percent of Moroccan boys and men had committed at
least one crime at the age of 22. This results from a publication in the
Journal of Criminology (Tijdschrift voor Criminologie) The figure relates to
those born in 1984 with at least one Moroccan parent. For the entire age group
the figure is 14%. The basis for the study is the police system HKS.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Justice Delayed Due to Shortage of Psychiatrists
Michel Groothuizen, director of the Dutch Institute for
Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology (NIFP) says that there is a shortage of psychiatrists
and psychologists to prepare psychiatric reports in criminal cases. That has led to the delay of criminal court cases and suspects therefore remain under arrest for longer. Judges need this information to determine whether a punishment or a
measure is necessary. The NIFP has 450 psychiatrists and psychologists
available part-time. They each make only 7 reports per year, and cannot cope with
the demand for reports. Furthermore, some of these people will retire soon.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Poor Neighborhoods increasingly Vulnerable
Poor Neighborhoods increasingly Vulnerable
It becomes more and more difficult to live in poor neighborhoods.
They become increasingly insecure. Hindrance by neighborhoods is three times as
big as for the average Dutchmen. Twenty percent of the inhabitants is afraid to
be disturbed or robbed. Elsewhere the percentage is 6%. These neighborhoods
represent 10% of all neighborhoods. They are becoming more and more places of
people with a variety of social problems.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Sea level rise of 8 meters very unlikely but not totally impossible

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