Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Parliamentarian Suspected of Fraud Resigns

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Carbon Dioxide Emission from Cars Shows Little Improvement
Despite the fact that more
environmentally friendly cars are being sold, the average carbon dioxide
emissions of cars on Netherlands’ roads have hardly declined. In 1990, the
average emission was 190 grams per kilometer. In 2011, it was 184 grams per
kilometer. In 2000, cars of 9 years and older represented 36% of all Dutch cars
on the road. Nowadays, it is about 47%. Furthermore, the total emission of
carbon dioxide by cars in the Netherlands increases due to the growing number
of cars on the roads.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Muslims in Various Countries Call for Violence against the Netherlands
In various European countries, young
Muslims protested against the arrest of
a 19 year old Muslim woman, Umm Usamah. She was arrested two weeks ago in the Netherlands because she tried to recruit Dutch Muslims for the civil war in Syria. In London, a group of men demonstrated in front of the Dutch Embassy. Banners shown had texts in Dutch and English including “Sharia for the Netherlands.” Some of the texts posted on the internet calling for her release are extremely violent, including, “Where is the lone wolf who takes revenge for his sister?” On a Dutch-Muslim website, “De Ware Religie” (“The True Religion”), a letter was posted which warned the Dutch authorities about the abduction of Dutch citizens in Muslim countries.
a 19 year old Muslim woman, Umm Usamah. She was arrested two weeks ago in the Netherlands because she tried to recruit Dutch Muslims for the civil war in Syria. In London, a group of men demonstrated in front of the Dutch Embassy. Banners shown had texts in Dutch and English including “Sharia for the Netherlands.” Some of the texts posted on the internet calling for her release are extremely violent, including, “Where is the lone wolf who takes revenge for his sister?” On a Dutch-Muslim website, “De Ware Religie” (“The True Religion”), a letter was posted which warned the Dutch authorities about the abduction of Dutch citizens in Muslim countries.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Trade Union Leader: Cabinet Makes Netherlands Unsafe
Corrie van Brenk, the Chair of the
Union of Officials (ABVAKABO) said that the government has made the Netherlands
less safe due to its obsessive austerity policy. She mentioned that in the
meantime, 15,000 condemned criminals walk Dutch streets, the firemen arrive
arrive late to calls and there are barely controls on food safety. She added
that almost all economists agree with this as well as organizations such as the
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wall Street Journal: Netherlands Faces Economic Stagnation
The Wall Street Journal published an
article in which it mentions that according to the Dutch Central Bank, the
Netherlands is in its third recession since 2009 and faces a prolonged period
of economic stagnation. It quoted the Central Bureau of Statistics which said
that unemployment rose to 6.8% in June. Furthermore, it said that consumer
sentiment, which has been depressed for years, deteriorated again in July. The
paper said “The cloudy outlook has led to warnings that the Netherlands is
drifting away from the Euro-Zone core and might even be stripped of its
cherished Triple A rating.”
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Court Upset about Broadcast of Fist-Fight in the Courtroom
SBS6 TV broadcast video of a
fist-fight in the Hague courtroom. Family members of a boy of thirteen who
had been killed in a road accident attacked the suspect. The Council for
Administration of Justice and The Hague Court said that they were not happy
with this and that it transgressed media directives. They decided not to take
any action against SBS6 and other media which broadcast the fist-fight.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Major increase in Falsified Banknotes

Monday, July 22, 2013
Police Union Worried about Fake Weapons
The Police Union (ANPV) is
worried about fake weapons of the Airsoft type. These air pressure weapons
shoot small plastic balls and there is much demand for them in Belgium and Germany.
They now also appear in the Netherlands. The ANPV said that these weapons
cannot be quickly distinguished from real ones and is afraid that policemen may
shoot at holders of them for this reason. Airsoft weapons are only sold to
adults who can show a declaration of good behavior and are members of a
shooting club. However, the weapons have no serial numbers and no one registers
them after the original buyers sell them.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Number of Internet Tappings by Government Increases Five-Fold

The number of tapping cases
by Justice Authorities and the police increased five-fold in 2012 to 16,676
cases from 3,331 in 2011. The minister added that in 2012, 25,487 telephones
were tapped, which represented an increase of 3% over 2011. Minister Ivo
Opstelten of Justice and Security (Liberal Party) said that this is not
identical to the number of people tapped, because some of them have multiple
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thieves of Burned Paintings Chose Target due to Poor Security
According to Romanian Justice
authorities, the three main suspects of the theft of seven famous paintings
including works by Matisse, Monet, Picasso and Gauguin, chose their target
because of poor security at the gallery. The exhibition gallery Kunsthal in
Rotterdam had no security cameras. They first checked out the Natural History
Museum, but concluded that with little money could be earned from stuffed birds.
Then they realized that there would be a major painting exhibition close by.
They checked the gallery carefully for security. As it has now become known,
all of the paintings were burned by the mother of one of the suspects.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Stolen Paintings Worth 18 Million Euros Burned
Last year seven paintings with a
total value of 18 million Euros were stolen from the Rotterdam Exposition
Center, Kunsthal. Included were paintings by Monet, Matisse, Picasso and
Gaugin. It now has become known that they were burned by the mother of one of
the robbers in a Romanian village, as it became clear to them that they were
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Netherlands is a Paradise for the Foreign Burglar

Monday, July 15, 2013
Amsterdam: More Police Protection Required in Evenings due to Ramadan
As the Ramadan feast this year falls
during summer vacation, many Muslim youngsters hang around their neighborhoods
because school is out. Last year, this led to many complaints about noise in
areas where they congregate. This year, police in Amsterdam will have more
agents on the streets in the evening hours than usual. These activities are
called “Ramadan Patrols.”
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Police Investigate 51 Suspects in Ibn Ghaldoun School Exam Fraud
The prosecution has published that
last week police investigated 51 suspects who took their final exam at the Ibn
Ghaldoun school in Rotterdam. In total, the number of suspects is 58, but a few
were on vacation and 5 didn’t appear. Some are students at the Adult Education
department of the school. Twenty have admitted to fraud. The stolen exams have
also been found at other schools in Rotterdam and elsewhere. The prosecution
expects to find additional suspects. In total, 13 people have been arrested in
relation to the exam fraud.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Many Transgressions in Asbestos Cleanup
In 7 out of 10 controls which the
Inspectorate (SZW) carried out regarding the cleaning up of asbestos,
transgressions were reported. In 2012, the special team carried out controls at
391 sites. In total, 582 transgressions were found in 275 locations. In close
to 50% of these cases, the transgressions were so major that the activities had
to be halted, or major fines had to be paid. According to the Inspectorate,
many firms transgressed the law because major amounts of money can be earned in
this way.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Consumption of Hard Drugs instead of Legal Soft Drugs Grows

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
The Netherlands also Spies Massively on its Citizens

John Knieriem of the Rotterdam
hosting company Intermax said that 2.3 million times a year, data from his
company is being observed by various authorities. According to him, tapping
into private data in the Netherlands is far more frequent that in the United
States. Knieriem has no idea what the authorities do with the data taken from his
company. His company is obliged to deliver data to the database of the Central
Informationpoint Investigation Telecommunication (CIOT). This is a department
of the Ministry of Justice which keeps data in a bunker in Maasland. According
to a report of the ministry, in half of the cases, it cannot be checked whether
the authorities use the data according to law.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Mayor of Srebrenica: Dutch Aid Money Wasted
Camil Durakovic, Mayor of Srebrenica
said on Dutch T.V. that a large part of Dutch aid to the town is wasted and
remains with international aid organizations. He claimed that there is huge
corruption. The annual reports from the Dutch Embassy in Sarajevo on 2011 and
2012 state that these were lost years for aid to Srebrenica. The Dutch
government has spent 120 million Euro so far in aid to Srebrenica. The money is
meant for rebuilding, reconciliation and identification of the murdered.
Bosnian Serbs committed genocide against thousands of Muslim inhabitants of
Srebrenica in 1995 after Dutch U.N. troops stationed there fled upon the
instructions of their government.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Huge Exam Fraud at School Only one among Many Problems
The Muslim Ibn Ghaldoun high school
in Rotterdam received much publicity because 27 different exams were stolen
from the school safe, the largest such fraud in Dutch history. Seven current or
former teachers have now disclosed that there were many other problems at the
school. Among the worst one was that under pressure, teachers unjustifiably
raised marks. Some students who had low marks were given unlimited
opportunities to redo their papers until they became sufficient; the car of a
teacher who did not agree to raise marks was destroyed by Moroccan students.
Another was threatened because he refused to redo a student’s paper which the
student wasn’t entitled to. The number of students who had to redo a class was
far less than one would expect from the level of knowledge. After school, girls
were forced to attend homework classes. The lessons given there were
indoctrinations which incited them against Dutch society at large.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Moroccan Youngsters Increasingly Involved in Extremely Violent Criminality
Key figures in Dutch-Moroccan
communities are extremely worried about the increasing extreme violent
criminality among Moroccan youths. Ibrahim Wijbenga, a Moroccan social worker
in Amsterdam said, “violence and weapons are becoming normal among Moroccan
youngsters. This has already cost 12 lives….” He added that in a double murder
in Amsterdam, weapons usually found in war situations were used. The problem is
also no longer limited to criminals. One finds the same among youngsters with a
job or are studying, when there is a quarrel, they may pull out a weapon.
Wijbenga and others want to
start debates in mosques on this issue.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Special Police Unit Uniforms Cause Scorch Marks
Minister Opstelten (Liberals) of
Security and Justice will investigate problems with the new uniforms of the
Special Mobile Police unit. There have been several incidents with the uniforms,
which seem to get far too hot. A number of policemen received scorch marks from
them. During one police examination, 11 policemen fell ill and three had to be
treated by emergency services. The general police trade union ANPV has
expressed its worries.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Minister of Education: Ministry Spent too much on Subsidies
Monday, July 1, 2013
Ansaldo Attacks Dutch Railways Frontally

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