Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Blogger is exhausted from selecting which items concerning Bad News from The Netherlands should be published. He will be on holiday till April 2 to gather new forces for additional Bad News from The Netherlands.
Tilburg: Possible Ill-treatment of Children at Koranschools

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Dutch Women get too few Children
Monday, March 25, 2013
Much Soccer Violence in Past Weekend
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Police Agents get Course on Jihad

Thursday, March 21, 2013
More than Half of Elderly Afraid to Become Victims of Criminality
More than half of the Dutch elderly are afraid to become Victims of Criminality. This was found in an investigation by Plus Magazine among 850 readers of 50 years and older. Only 9% say that they feel never insecure. Fifty five percent are afraid of becoming a victim of criminality when they are out in the streets. One out of three has nostalgia for the time when “the police had still authority.”, March 20, 2013
Military of Elite Unit Trade in Drugs

Military of the Air Mobile Brigade, the elite unit of the Dutch Land Army are heavily involved in drug trade. In the past months ten of its members have been arrested. At parties there is trade in drugs such as cocaine and xtc. There are claims that officers know this and some of them use drugs themselves.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Moroccans Threaten not to Vote for Labor Party
A number of organizations of Dutch
Moroccans has written a letter to the Labor Party in which they say that they
will advise Dutch Moroccans to cease supporting the party if it agrees with a
proposal by its Minister of Social Affairs Lodewijk Asscher to cut social welfare
payments to Moroccans who do not live in the Netherlands. Asscher said that the
organizations should tell Moroccans to freely choose their party of preference,
instead of threatening.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Dutch Press Exposed Concealing Major Anti-Semitic Incident

In today’s Jerusalem Post, anti-Semitism expert Manfred Gerstenfeld exposes how the Dutch national media tried to conceal extreme anti-Semitic remarks on a mainstream Dutch TV station. Four Turkish-Dutch youths said there that they were satisfied with what Hitler did with the Jews in the Holocaust and that also all Jewish babies should be killed. It took 11 days until a columnist exposed the conspiracy of silence in one paper, others still concealed it. It was only after the Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote a letter to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte asking for an investigation of anti-Semitism in the Netherlands that the issue was mainstreamed and became a subject of debate in Parliament.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Gangs Bribe Dutch Police
Criminal organizations make regular use of corrupt government officials and police agents. They also bribe employees of airports, harbors and transport companies, as well as contacts in the real estate sector. The main areas where this takes place is in drug smuggling and human trafficking. This results from an investigation of the Ministry of Security of Justice into organized criminality. The document analyzes 800 gangs. At least one out of five gangs uses bribes. For the smuggling of cocaine, heroin, cannabis and synthetic drugs, the criminals also bribe - besides officials - employees of commercial companies. Furthermore, environmental officials are being bribed in order to be able to dispose of illegal waste. The gangs often have seemingly normal companies which use notaries, lawyers and auditors.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Netherlands Raises Terrorism Warning Level
For the first time since 2009, the
Netherlands has raised its terrorism warning rank to Level 3 - out of 4. This
means that the National Coordinator for Fighting Terrorism and Safety (NCTV)
considers terrorism a substantial threat to the country. Up until now, there
was a Level 2 threat, which is a “limited threat.” The main concern is the
return of Dutch Jihadists. Coordinator Dick Schoof said that there is a risk
that the approximately 100 Dutch Jihadists abroad will influence others in the
Netherlands to follow their path.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
One Hundred Dutch Jihadists Now in Muslim Countries
NOS TV station has reported that
about 100 Dutch Muslims are presently active as Jihadists in countries such as
Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria. Most are in Syria and have joined the Al Nusra
Movement which wants to establish an Islamic state once President Assad is
driven out. This movement is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S.
This makes the Netherlands one of the major European suppliers of fighting
jihadists. Furthermore, this number is increasing rapidly. Not long ago, it was
estimated at in the few tens. Terrorism experts are afraid that these people may
radicalize even further when they return to the Netherlands.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Failure of Mayor and Police Resulted in Chaos in Haren
A committee headed by former
Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen has investigated the chaos of violence and
destruction in the village of Haren in September 2012. A girl had posted on
Facebook an official invitation to her 16th birthday party. Hundreds
of youths from all over the country came to the village. Most came out of
curiosity and there was no indication that people had come to riot. The report
claims that the authorities had greatly underestimated the problems which would
result. The organization of the police was poor – units had no communication
with each other. There were many leaders, but little leadership. Policemen felt
left alone by their authorities. There was a prohibition on alcoholic beverages
that evening, but police didn’t respond against drinking youths.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Alcohol Poisoning on the Rise among Dutch Youths
More and more youngsters are
arriving at hospital emergency wards with alcohol poisoning. In 2011, there
were 3,100 such cases vs. 2,300 in 2010. From 2007 until 2010, the number
remained stable. Most of these youths are between 15 and 19 years old. One out
of ten is younger than 15. A few days ago, Parliament raised the legal drinking
age from 16 to 18.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Interviewer who Exposed Dutch-Turkish Admirers of Hitler goes into Hiding due to Death Threats
Mehmet Sahin, a doctoral student at
Amsterdam University has had to go into hiding with his family due to death
threats, upon the recommendation of the Mayor of Arnhem, Pauline Krikke. He is
a volunteer who tries to re-educate street youths in Arnhem. A few weeks ago, Sahin
interviewed some Dutch-Turkish youngsters on a TV station in which they said
that they admired Hitler and the Holocaust. Apparently, people in the
neighborhood where Sahin lives are collecting signatures to make him leave the
area. The municipality has announced that the prosecution is investigating the
matter. Labor Party parliamentarian Ahmed Marcouch announced that he will ask
parliamentary questions about the threats saying, “It is horrible that someone
has to be afraid because he has done something that we all should do –
teach children not to hate.” He expressed the hope that the Turkish community
would distance itself from this criminal behavior, which death threats are.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Anti-Semitism Expert: Five Million Dutchmen have Diabolical Views of Israel
Israeli anti-Semitism expert Manfred
Gerstenfeld says that at least 5 million Dutchmen have a devilish view on
Israel. This results from a study conducted by the University of Bienenfeld for
the German Social Democratic Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Out of these study
results, 39% of the Dutch think that Israel conducts a war of extermination
against the Palestinians. Gerstenfeld says that genocide and behaving like
Nazis are the symbols of absolute evil in our days. Accusing the Jewish state
falsely of the absolute evil reminds one of the diabolical Christian
accusations of deicide and the Nazi accusations of the Jews being “sub-human
vermin and bacteria.” He adds that these 5 million Dutchmen have the mentality
of the darkest Middle Ages.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
European Commission takes Netherlands to European Court Regarding Insufficient Protection of Pregnant Women

The European Commission is taking the
Netherlands to the European Court in Luxembourg in view of discrimination of
pregnant women in the country. There is no general protection of pregnant women
in Dutch law which assures that they will receive their job position back, or
an equivalent one when they return after giving birth. Marysha Molthoff of the
Dutch College for Human Rights said that in high positions in particular, 10%
of the women do not get all their tasks back. Five percent have been placed in
an even lower position. These results are from a study the college undertook
last year. The study shows that 45% of pregnant women had experienced
discrimination in one way or another.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Children Ombudsman: One in Nine Children Grows up in Poverty

Monday, March 4, 2013
Dutch Columnist Exposes Silence after anti-Semitic Muslims Youths Praise the Holocaust and Hitler on TV
Dutch columnist Elma Drayer exposed the fact that there were few reactions to
the Turkish youths who praised the murder of Jews in the Holocaust as well as
Hitler, on television. She wrote that if some youngster had said on television,
“It would be good if all Muslims had been slaughtered, including babies,” that
would have raised tremendous protest and even demonstrations in which leading
leftists would have participated.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Geert Wilders is Fourth on Al Qaeda’s Hit List
Al Qaeda has published a hit list of people who should
be murdered. Dutch politician Geert Wilders is in fourth place. Former Dutch
Parliamentarian, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is in tenth place. This list is headed by the
former editor of the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten Carsten Juste. The
accompanying text says, “A bullet a day keeps the infidels away.” Al Qaeda is a
radical Muslim organization with at least 150 million sympathizers.
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