The Jewish community in the province
of Limburg and a Catholic-Jewish group of the Roermond bishopry have put in a
police complaint against Parliamentarian Dion Graus of the Freedom Party
accusing him of anti-Semitism. Graus has on many occasions said that Jews
torture animals behind the mask of religious freedom. News items reporting this
carry many anti-Semitic talkbacks.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Half of Sandwiches of Döner Kebab found to be Full of Bacteria
The consumer organization
Consumentenbond, has investigated the sandwiches of Döner Kebab at ten randomly
chosen locations in Groningen, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Breda. Of the
49 tested sandwiches, a majority were found to contain many bacteria. In 5 of
them, even the so-called “excrement bacteria” were found. This high number of
bacteria indicates that the sandwiches have either been kept out too long, or
that they have not been hygienically prepared. The consumer organization
advises that people with weak resistance such as people over 65 and pregnant
women should avoid buying Döner Kebab sandwiches.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Minister Shocked by Sexual Abuse Committed by Caretakers
Edith Schippers, Minister of Public
Health is shocked by the large number of sexual abuse committed by caretakers.
She wrote this in a letter to Parliament as her response to the Inspectorate
for health care. This head provided data that in the past five years, more than
400 patients have been sexually abused by caretakers, or were confronted with
sexual remarks. This concerns visitors of general practitioners, psychiatric
patients and retarded people.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Lingewaard: Mayor Resigns due to False Claims of Expenses
Harry de Vries (Christian Democrat)
resigned as Mayor of Lingewaard due to
false claims of expenses and negligent claims of travel costs. He said, “What I
have done is wrong and cannot be justified in any way.” The trust between him,
the Aldermen and the municipal council has been broken. De Vries has said that
he will reimburse all non-justified claims.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Mayor Resigns as a Result of Senator Affair
Mayor Ricardo Offermanns (Liberal)
has resigned as mayor of Meerssen. Earlier he had withdrawn his candidacy for
the mayoralty of Roermond. One of several accusations against the Municipal
Councilor Jos van Rey (Liberals) of Roermond was that he had leaked to Offermanns
and possibly to others, secret information about the sate of the Roermond candidacy.
This led to the resignation of Van Rey as senator and municipal councillor. Offermanns
has furthermore resigned as Chairman of the Liberal Party in the province of
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Senator Resigns Suspected of Breach of Trust

Senator Jos van Rey (Liberal Party)
has resigned. He is suspected of breach of trust, in his function as municipal
councilor of Roermond. The accusations are that he has given confidential
information to two candidates for the position of the town’s mayor. These
accusations have come to the fore during an investigation of police detectives
about possible corruption of Van Rey.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Paint Bombs against Home of Minister
The action group “No Blood on
my Hands” has thrown paint bombs at the home of Minister of Immigration Gerd Leers
in Maastricht. This was done in protest against Dutch immigration policy. The
Minister said that everyone can demonstrate, but it is not acceptable if a
demonstration is against someone’s personal possessions and creates damage. He
has put in a complaint with the police.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Civil Rights Movement: Government Hacking Plan Shocking
Minister of Security and Justice, Ivo
Opstelten (Liberals) said that the number of cyber crimes is increasing and the
ability of the police to deal with it is insufficient. He added that criminals
can relatively easily wipe out their digital traces. Therefore he wants the
police to break into computers from a distance and if necessary, place software
inside. Ot van Daalen, Director of Bits of Freedom, which has as a goal the
protection of digital civil rights has said that this is a shocking plan. He
explained this by saying that in this way, the police get an interest to keep
the Dutch infrastructure vulnerable. That leads to a situation where Dutch
computers also become vulnerable for others including from abroad.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Decline in Butterflies due to Agriculture and Climate Changes
Michiel Wallis de Vries has said
during his inaugural lecture as Professor of Ecology at Wageningen University
that butterflies in the Netherlands are in decline. He said that 17 types of
butterflies no longer exist in the Netherlands, and also that the numbers of
the surviving types are declining. He explained that this is caused by the rise
of intensive agriculture, fertilization with nitrogen derivatives and the
changes in climate.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Groningen: Investment of 40 Million Euro Wasted

The province and the town of
Groningen have invested almost 40 million Euro into a regional tramway which
will not see the light. This was announced by the college and the Alderman of
Groningen. The town’s loss out of this is 17 million Euro. It has moved
entrances of parking garages, put in electrical cables and moved high tension
poles. It is possible that the total amount will increase further.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Rotterdam: Spectacular Theft of Expensive Paintings
Seven major works of art were stolen
from a gallery in Rotterdam in one of the most spectacular art thefts in modern
history. The paintings were by Picasso, Matisse, Gauguin, Monet and others.
Their value is estimated at tens of millions of dollars. The gallery is
considered a masterwork of architecture, however, it is also considered
difficult to protect by security experts.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Writer Receives Death Threat
A number of angry listeners of the
local Amsterdam radio station Radio Mart have threatened to wait with weapons
for writer Robert Vuijsje and kill him when he comes to the studio. These
people say that the recent movie based on one of his books gives a wrong
picture of the Bijlmermeer neighborhood (where many non-Western immigrants
live). The program will probably be broadcast from another town.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Amsterdam Municipality Hid Deficit of Over Half a Billion Euro
The daily Telegraaf quotes a blog which claims that the Amsterdam
Municipality mismanaged its budget between 2005-2007. In 2005 already 600
million Euro were spent in a way which was irregular. Much money was paid to
cover deficits in the budget of the North-South Metroline, others were spent on
unjustified social payments. The municipality masked this mismanagement in its
published account.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Organized Crime Need not Fear Police and Justice Department

The organized crime in the
Netherlands has little to fear from the police and the Justice Department. This
was reported by RTL Nieuws on the basis of two yet secret reports. Police and
the prosecution department have enough information about the crime
organizations, but they don’t have the time and the workers to deal with them.
Of all the crime organizations, only a small part can be dealt with. This
results from reports of the police and the prosecution to the Minister of
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Nuenen: Petition against Rat Plague
Three women from the small
town of Nuenen in the province of Brabant have started a petition collecting
signatures to convince the municipal council to take action against the rat
plague there. The town has been suffering from rats for many years. In 2008 and
2009, the municipality spent 15,000 Euro to exterminate the rats. Recently, the
alderman responsible said that no further action is necessary because rats are
not a danger to peoples’ health. He is also of the opinion that if there are
rats, the inhabitants can fight them themselves. The alderman said that in any
case, the municipality has no money for this purpose.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rat Plague in Western part of Amsterdam
A rat plague has broken out
in the New Western part of Amsterdam. The municipality has asked people in this
area not to leave any garbage outside of the containers. The rats cause
risks that houses might sink when their burrowed tunnels under houses collapse. The
plague has been caused by the demolition of old homes in the neighborhood,
therefore the rats flee into other houses, which can sink as a result., October 9, 2012
Dutch Muslims Travel to Jihad Areas
Minister of Security and Justice Ivo
Opstelten (Liberal) has sent a document to the Parliament on the threats of
terrorism. He mentioned that Dutchmen have traveled to areas of jihadic
battles. Their presence in the long run may be a risk for the Netherlands
because jihadists may inspire others and once they return to the Netherlands,
there is the possibility that they will continue their activities. There is no
indication however, so far that returning jihadists have such intentions. Among
Dutch jihadists, there is much interest for the jihad in Syria. Also Egypt is
attractive for them, the more so as in Sinai, there is a lack of authority
which gives jihadists the possibility to develop their activities.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Great Increase in Bankruptcies in Building Industry
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Personal Files of Mayors and Commissioners of the Queen Easily Accessible

Thursday, October 4, 2012
Fifty percent of Supermarket Personnel Victims of Violence

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Journalists Complain about Police after Beating during Riots

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Hilversum: Police Hides Violent Incident
Monday, October 1, 2012
Municipality will not Monitor Radical Imam

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